Pokemon Platinum Celestic Town Walkthrough The Road to Celestic Town As soon as you step out of Pastoria Gym your rival will be back with some news Crasher Wake will emerge from the gym and talk to the both of you before heading to the Great Marsh with your rival Follow them and chase the Galactic Grunt to the east after Wake leaves to investigate the explosion
Trainers List Walkthrough Explore Celestic Town Receive the Wise glasses from a boy in the northwest house where they sell goods like Poke Marts do Wise glasses ups the power of Special attacks when equipped by a Pokemon You get Analog watch app for your Poketch from the Black Belt who lives in the southwest house 1 Slogan 2 Places of interest 2 1 Cynthia s family s house 2 2 Celestic Ruins 3 Demographics 3 1 Pok mon Diamond Pearl Platinum Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl 4 Shop 4 1 Generation IV 4 2 Generation VIII 5 Items 6 Pok mon 6 1 Generation IV 6 2 Generation VIII 7 Trainers 7 1 Pok mon Diamond and Pearl 7 2 Pok mon Platinum
Pokemon Platinum Celestic Town Walkthrough
Pokemon Platinum Celestic Town Walkthrough
Dema s Pok mon Adventure Celestic Town
Celestic Town Pokemon Diamond Pearl And Platinum Guide IGN
Main Storyline Part 1 Twinleaf Town Route 201 Lake Verity Sandgem Town Part 2 Route 202 Jubilife City Route 203 Oreburgh Gate Oreburgh City Oreburgh Mine Part 3 Oreburgh Gym Jubilife City Route 204 south Ravaged Path Route 204 north Floaroma Town Floaroma Meadow Route 220 Route 221 The Past Lives Celestic Town is quite small and quite easy to navigate Go into the Pokemon Center to obtain a Great Ball from the man inside The Blackbelt in the house west of the Pokemon Center will give you a Poketch application called the Analog Watch which is simply a regular analog watch
Pokemon Platinum Walkthrough Celestic Town YouTube This video is about going to Celestic Town and fighting the Galactic Grunts Also you have to give the Old Charm to Cynthia s Celestic Town In order to battle Dialga and Palkia you must first talk to Cynthia s grandmother If you got the Adamant Orb or Lustrous Orb at Mt Coronet earlier after beating the Sunyshore Gym Cynthia s grandmother will explain their connection to Dialga and Palkia Now they will appear when you return to Spear Pillar
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Pokemon Platinum Walkthrough Part 39 To Celestic Town YouTube
Pokemon Platinum Walkthrough Part 28 Cyrus In Celestic Town YouTube
Pokemon Platinum Walkthrough Part 15 NUZLOCKE I Am Back Journey To Celestic Town Live YouTube
0 00 33 35 Pokemon Platinum Part 22 Celestic Town JohneAwesome 416K subscribers Subscribe 26K views 7 years ago Hello everyone and welcome to my walkthrough let s play of Pokemon Welcome to my Pokemon Platinum Walkthrough where we ll be traveling through one of my favorite regions
Pokemon Platinum Walkthrough Part 50 Celestic Town By Douglas Shepard Editor in Chief RarityGuide Published 08 8 2010 Parts 41 to 50 Unrated 50 Celestic Town Just inside of the town you will find the Pokemon Center You might be feeling the trek over here so take a moment to visit the Pokemon Center to refresh your Pokemon Distortion World Iceberg Ruins Iron Ruins Rock Peak Ruins Galar Isle of Armor Crown Tundra Legendary Pok mon Celestic Town is a town in Pok mon Diamond and Pearl and Pok mon Platinum and is located in Sinnoh region It has three residential homes and one home that is a substitute for a Pok Mart It also has a Pok mon Center two ponds and a cave
Celestic Town Pokemon Light Platinum Chabaud mezquita
Go To The Celestic Town 19 Pokemon Platinum Walkthrough YouTube
Pokemon Platinum Celestic Town Walkthrough - Pokemon Platinum Walkthrough Celestic Town YouTube This video is about going to Celestic Town and fighting the Galactic Grunts Also you have to give the Old Charm to Cynthia s