Pokemon Heart Gold Walkthrough Part 24

Pokemon Heart Gold Walkthrough Part 24 UndergroundBattle versus rivalThe english patch made by KazoWAR http gbatemp index php showtopic 178847

This is the HeartGold walkthrough from the Pok mon Traveler s Guide In this part we travel through Route 42 and Mt Mortar before we end up in Mahogany Town The Open Sea More Pokemon HG http www youtube channel UCuoIRHs H1gbexuM5V3g7HA sub confirmation 1

Pokemon Heart Gold Walkthrough Part 24


Pokemon Heart Gold Walkthrough Part 24


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Earth Badge Route 20 Seafoam Islands Route 19 Viridian Gym Route 22 Route 28 In Pok mon HeartGold and SoulSilver few changes have been made to the storyline from Pok mon Gold and Silver For a more in depth look see here Route 3 is a rugged route that links Pewter City to Mt Moon in the east Just outside the city is a large crater where several meteorites have fallen These rocks seem to emit a strange cosmic energy that may influence a certain species of Pok mon

Route 24 is a short path that heads North along a bridge and a small grass area on the side Route 25 connects to Route 24 and goes East to Bill s House Head up the bridge and you ll see the This walkthrough will guide you through Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver in terms of gameplay there is a small differences between versions in that you must visit a different area to capture your version s legendary Pokemon

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Pokemon Heart Gold and Soul Silver starts out in the Johto Region Here you ll be able to collect eight GYM badges to fight in the Pokemon League advertisement Prologue The Zephyr Badge The This is the Bulbapedia walkthrough for Pok mon HeartGold and SoulSilver These pages follow the remade Nintendo DS iteration not Gold and Silver The guide for those games can be found here Contents 1 Route 43 optional 2 Lake of Rage optional 3 Goldenrod City 3 1 Radio Tower 3 1 1 1F 3 2 Goldenrod Tunnel 3 3 Radio Tower 3 3 1 1F 3 3 2 2F

Pok mon Heart Gold Walkthrough Part 24 Safari Zone AshhBearr 36 1K subscribers Subscribe 30K views 10 years ago Like if you like it It helps Wonder when the next test will be Rating TV Y 3 A little girl will enter the theater and the sisters will depart for Bell Tower HeartGold or Whirl Islands SoulSilver Bring some Ultra Balls Repels Escape Ropes and a high level Pokemon that knows a sleep inducing move and follow them to their destination HeartGold players can simply walk to Bell Tower at the north part of town


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Pokemon Heart Gold Walkthrough Part 24 - Route 33 is actually a short area that serves as a stop gap between Union Cave and Azalea Town Notably it is permanently raining on Route 33 in HeartGold and SoulSilver likely because it s located next to Azalea Town which is full of Slowpokes that can trigger rain through yawning