Pokemon Heart Gold Walkthrough Part 13

Pokemon Heart Gold Walkthrough Part 13 Pokemon HeartGold Walkthrough Part 13 Aiming For Ariados YouTube Wassup everyone TerraQuake here Welcome to my Pokemon HeartGold Walkthrough where we ll be playing through my

Part 13 of Lueroi s Pokemon HG SS WalkthroughIn this video we check out Goldenrod City Next time we will check out some new routes Northwest Island Step inside the cave and take the ladder to the floor below Walk down the stairway to reach a hidden Pearl to the northeast and a Full Restore to the south Jump the ledge and climb the stairway to the east in order to reach a Nugget and a hidden Super Repel Head east and jump the two ledges to reach a ladder this leads to a dead end with an Ultra Ball

Pokemon Heart Gold Walkthrough Part 13


Pokemon Heart Gold Walkthrough Part 13


Pokemon Heart Gold Walkthrough Episode 23 YouTube


Pokemon Heart Gold Walkthrough Episode 01 YouTube

Fish Good Rod 60 Poliwag Lv 20 Fish Good Rod 40 Mt Silver is the game s final dungeon and it has two objectives in HeartGold and SoulSilver the first is to find and battle the game s final boss Red and the other is that Moltres one of the Legendary Birds of Kanto is now roosting inside FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER https twitter GymLeaderDraven LIKE on FB https www facebook GymLeaderDraven

This page contains to be the walkthrough list of the two video games Pok mon HeartGold and Pok mon SoulSilver released for the Pok mon HeartGold and Pok mon SoulSilver is the remake of the in the Pok mon series Main storyline Johto Intro New Bark Town Route 29 Cherrygrove City Mr Pok mon s house back in New Bark Town POKEMON HEARTGOLD AND SOULSILVER WALKTHROUGH This walkthrough will guide you through Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver in terms of gameplay there is a small differences between versions in that you must visit a different area to capture your version s legendary Pokemon

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You start in New Bark town just like the original Leave your house after the opening scene where you talk to your mom You may then talk to the mysterious boy with red hair outside of Professor Elm s office or go see Professor Elm himself and get your first Pok mon You choose from Cyndaquil the fire type Totodile the water type or This is the Bulbapedia walkthrough for Pok mon HeartGold and SoulSilver These pages follow the remade Nintendo DS iteration not Gold and Silver The guide for those games can be found here Contents 1 Mt Mortar optional 1 1 West East Entrances 1 1 1 Entrance 1 1 2 Lower Cave 1 2 Center Entrance 1 2 1 Entrance 1 2 2 Basement 1 2 3 Entrance

Prologue Top Guide Sections Basics Johto Walkthrough Kanto Walkthrough End Game Extras Was this guide helpful Leave feedback Pokemon Heart Gold and Soul Silver starts out in the Johto This is the Bulbapedia walkthrough for Pok mon HeartGold and SoulSilver 13 15 20 A colored background means that the Pok mon can be found in this location in the specified game A white background with a colored letter means that the Pok mon cannot be found here Reclaim the Machine Part Upon entering the Gym


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Pokemon Heart Gold Walkthrough Part 13 - This is the Bulbapedia walkthrough for Pok mon HeartGold and SoulSilver These pages follow the remade Nintendo DS iteration not Gold and Silver The guide for those games can be found here Contents 1 Introduction 2 Home 3 New Bark Town 3 1 Professor Elm s Lab 4 Route 29 4 1 The Apricorns 4 2 The Week Siblings 5 Cherrygrove City 5 1 City Tour