Pokemon Heart Gold Goldenrod City Walkthrough

Pokemon Heart Gold Goldenrod City Walkthrough At a minimum you will want to explore Goldenrod Department Store Goldenrod Bike Shop Goldenrod City Game Corner Goldenrod City Radio Tower Goldenrod Underground Goldenrod City Flower Shop The Name Rater Johto Kanto Magnet Train Line Station The Global Terminal Goldenrod Department Store

This is an in depth walkthrough for Pok mon HeartGold and SoulSilver for the Nintendo DS These pages detail the remade iteration not Pok mon Gold and Silver The guide for those can be found here Contents 1 Sections 1 1 Main Storyline 1 1 1 1 Johto 1 1 2 Kanto 1 2 Main Storyline 2 1 3 Post Game 1 4 See Also Sections Main Storyline 1 Johto Pok mon HeartGold and SoulSilver Table of Contents Gameplay Walkthrough Pok dex Contents 1 Goldenrod City 2 City features 2 1 Get a free bike 2 2 Bill s house 2 3 Name rater 2 4 The Happiness Lady 2 5 Get the Squirtbottle 3 Trade Drowzee for Machop 4 Goldenrod Gym Goldenrod City The largest city in Johto City features Get a free bike

Pokemon Heart Gold Goldenrod City Walkthrough


Pokemon Heart Gold Goldenrod City Walkthrough


Nathaniel mezquita


Goldenrod City Arrangement Pok mon HeartGold SoulSilver YouTube

There s a raised walkway suspended above an area below it where most of the trainers and the gym leader are located Several staircases lead up and down off of the suspended walkway and then As you head eastward take on the trainer and grab the Max Ether stashed in the southeastern corner Then go north Fight another Team Rocket Grunt grab the Revive from the small yellow parcel

Route 36 Route 37 Goldenrod City Goldenrod City is a huge bustling city filled with interesting people to see and cool places to visit Of course it also has a gym but we ll go there in the end First let s do some exploring Pok mon HeartGold and SoulSilver Walkthrough Goldenrod City and Beyond Ilex Forest Battling Whitney at the Goldenrod Gym Goldenrod City and Beyond The woman in the building between Ilex Forest and Route 34 will give you TM12 Taunt This move forces the opponent to only use physical attacks Contents Go North Department Store Radio Tower

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Head back to the Tower The Rocket Grunt will step aside when you talk to him but your Rival will run up out of nowhere and blow your cover causing the Rocket Grunt to attack you he only has two Raticate however so he s not a big deal Good Old Goldenrod City More Pokemon HG http www youtube channel UCuoIRHs H1gbexuM5V3g7HA sub confirmation 1

Pok mon Gold and Silver Table of Contents Gameplay Walkthrough Pok dex Route 34 leads to a large city that has a Radio Tower a Bike Shop and a huge Department Store There are many things to see and do there make sure you ve accomplished them all before you head off to the next city or route Team Rocket is skulking around the city This is the Bulbapedia walkthrough for Pok mon HeartGold and SoulSilver These pages follow the remade Nintendo DS iteration not Gold and Silver The guide for those games can be found here Contents 1 Route 43 optional 2 Lake of Rage optional 3 Goldenrod City 3 1 Radio Tower 3 1 1 1F 3 2 Goldenrod Tunnel 3 3 Radio Tower 3 3 1 1F 3 3 2 2F


Goldenrod City Night By WillDrawForFood1 On DeviantArt


Pok arth Johto Goldenrod City

Pokemon Heart Gold Goldenrod City Walkthrough - Pok mon HeartGold and SoulSilver Walkthrough Goldenrod City and Beyond Ilex Forest Battling Whitney at the Goldenrod Gym Goldenrod City and Beyond The woman in the building between Ilex Forest and Route 34 will give you TM12 Taunt This move forces the opponent to only use physical attacks Contents Go North Department Store Radio Tower