Pokemon Fire Red Walkthrough Part 37 The Pokemon Mansion

Pokemon Fire Red Walkthrough Part 37 The Pokemon Mansion Pok mon Mansion The sole purpose of the Pok mon Mansion is to hide the key you need to get into the Cinnabar Island Gym The quickest way to get it is to run straight into the mansion and take

Aerodactyl the Fossil Pokemon is arguably one of the best Flying Pokemon in the game Sporting Rock Flying types strong Attack and Speed stats and a good moveset Aerodactyl is an excellent choice for any team Aerodactyl will learn great moves such as Ancient Power and Wing Attack that will benefit from STAB and can be taught a variety of TM s as well The Pokemn Tower is a tower full of ghost Pokemon and trainers with ghost Pokemon BUT IT S ALSO FULL OF TEAM ROCKET MEN

Pokemon Fire Red Walkthrough Part 37 The Pokemon Mansion


Pokemon Fire Red Walkthrough Part 37 The Pokemon Mansion


Pok mon Red Blue Pokemon Mansion Map GIF StarFighters76 Neoseeker Walkthroughs


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The team goes and gets there 7th badge It was very easy so they go on a boat trip with bill Pok mon and all related titles are c Nintendo I played the g Avoid bringing Bug Grass and Ice type Pok mon unless those Ice types are also part Water When playing with fire be prepared with a few Burn Heals Blaine enjoys riddles and puzzles and uses this to test his challengers Answering each question correctly unlocks the next door allowing the player to bypass each Gym Trainer

This is an in depth walkthrough for Pok mon FireRed and LeafGreen for the Game Boy Advance These pages detail the remade iteration not Pok mon Red and Blue The guide for those games can be found here Contents Main Storyline Part 1 Pallet Town Route 1 Viridian City Professor Oak s Lab Route 2 Viridian Forest Part 2 Pewter City Click on the links to go to that segment of the walkthrough Badge 1 Pallet Town Route 1 Viridian City Route 2 Viridian Forest Pewter City Badge 2 Route 3 Route 4 Mt Moon The Two

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Cinnabar Island Gym By Hector Madrigal Jason Burton IGN GameGuides 801 more updated Sep 10 2012 You need to have found the key to this gym in the Pok mon Mansion before you can enter Celadon City is the second largest city in the region and it has plenty going on to live up to the hype The Celadon Department Store is an essential stop since almost anything a Trainer could want is up for sale here The Celadon Mansion is a hotel of sorts and the current tenants are none other than Game Freak the team that developed Pok mon The Game Corner houses the slot machines and

Walkthrough In order to gain access to the Cinnabar Island Gym you will need to find the key to the building within the Pokemon Mansion found on the island The Pokemon Mansion is a very large building full of both Wild Pokemon and Pokemon Trainers In order to find the Secret Gym Key you will need to use the statues found throughout the Pokemon Mansion to earn access to certain rooms Pick up the Carbos and go downstairs into the basement In the basement go into the room to your left and switch the Mewtwo statue so that s its eyes aren t glowing Head up into another room to pick up TM14 Blizzard Flip on the Mewtwo statue in the other room to pick up two items One of them is the Gym Key which unlocks the Cinnabar


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Pokemon Fire Red Walkthrough Part 37 The Pokemon Mansion - Part 37 of my Pokemon FireRed Walkthrough We finish up touring Fuchsia then start the Safari Zone The Pokemon you catch in here vary by area The Safari Zo