Pokemon Emerald Rustboro City Walkthrough

Pokemon Emerald Rustboro City Walkthrough Go to the south edge of the grass and check on the empty patch of grass to the left to find a hidden Tiny Mushroom Then go northwest to find an X Attack When you re ready go back to Rustboro City and finish exploring there then go north to to Route 115 You can t access the whole route right now but if you go west to the beach then follow

This is an in depth walkthrough for Pok mon Emerald for the Game Boy Advance Sections Main Storyline Part 1 Littleroot Town Route 101 Oldale Town Route 103 Route 102 Petalburg City Part 2 Route 104 south Petalburg Woods Route 104 north Rustboro City Route 116 Rusturf Tunnel Rustboro City Route 116 Rustboro City After going through a long and tiring route you ll finally arrive at Rustboro City Here you ll be able to have your first gym battle But first we ll explore the city Once you get into the city go west and you ll see a huge building

Pokemon Emerald Rustboro City Walkthrough


Pokemon Emerald Rustboro City Walkthrough


Route 104 Petalburg Woods And Rustboro City Pok mon Emerald Walkthrough


The Rustboro Gym Challenge Pok mon Emerald Walkthrough

4 Items found Rustboro City in Emerald Rustboro City is a big city Many of the people who live here work for the Devon Corporation whose headquarters is in this city as well Items Just as you enter Rustboro City from Route 104 North you will see a gap in the fence to the east where the fence does not reach the tree line Our Walkthrough for Pok mon Emerald Sapphire Ruby is written in chronological order taking you through the entire map of Hoenn By following this walkthrough you will battle every trainer

Table of Contents Next Route 115 lado sul Stone Badge Rustboro City Entre no grande pr dio a esquerda e suba para o segundo andar Fale com a crian a a direita para receber uma Premier Ball Items Devon Corporation Now that you have reclaimed the Devon Goods head back to the Devon Corporation building in Rustboro s northwest corner The grateful Devon researcher is waiting on the city s east side and hands you a Great Ball before escorting you inside to meet his boss

More picture related to Pokemon Emerald Rustboro City Walkthrough


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11 years ago Hello and welcome to my Pokemon Emerald playthrough I aim to be as thorough as I can be with this playthrough I will be talking to everyone picking up all 1 Route 104 south 2 2 1 The Scuffle 3 Route 104 north 3 1 Pretty Petal Flower Shop 4 1 Cutter s House 4 2 Devon Corporation 4 3 4 3 1 The Man in Sunglasses 4 4 Time for a Trade 4 5 Rustboro Gym 4 6 Stop Thief 5 5 1 Route 104 north 5 2 Petalburg Woods 6 1 Kidnap 7 7 1 The Take Down Route 104 south Route 104

Rustboro City Once you triumph at the Rustboro City Gym step outside and you ll see a robbery in progress Follow the path up and talk to the Researcher who you helped earlier He s been Pok mon Emerald Walkthrough Part 6 Rustboro City Rustboro Gym YouTube Policy Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket 2023 Google LLC Read


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Pokemon Emerald Rustboro City Walkthrough - 4 Items found Rustboro City in Emerald Rustboro City is a big city Many of the people who live here work for the Devon Corporation whose headquarters is in this city as well Items Just as you enter Rustboro City from Route 104 North you will see a gap in the fence to the east where the fence does not reach the tree line