Plague Inc Parasite Normal Walkthrough

Plague Inc Parasite Normal Walkthrough So this strategy worked amazingly well for me in fact I ended up better off in Brutal than in Casual or Normal Genetic Code Cytochrome Surge Darwinist Extremophile Teracyte Ionised Helix Starting Country West Africa Evolve Abilities Symbiosis 1 2 and 3 so your disease isn t noticed Evolve Transmissions Water 1 and 2 Air 1 and 2 quicker spread and DNA Evolve Abilities Drug

Start in a central country preferably a cold one but it doesn t really matter Get Symbiosis 1 and 2 Get Air 1 and 2 and Water 1 and 2 Get Extreme Bioaerosol Get Cold Resistance 1 and 2 and Drug Resistance 1 and 2 Wait until the entire world is infected this can take some time so you ll have to be patient The Parasite is a plague unlocked after completing the Fungus on Normal similar to Neurax Worm on Plague Inc Evolved only As usual the guide is below A guide to beating the Fungus plague in Plague Inc Evolved and Plague Inc on Normal or Casual DOES NOT WORK ON BRUTAL Unlike the norm almost all of your DNA will come from red and

Plague Inc Parasite Normal Walkthrough


Plague Inc Parasite Normal Walkthrough


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How To Beat Plague Inc Parasite On Normal LevelSkip

This video is a tutorial on how to complete PARASITE on NORMAL on Plague Inc Plague Inc Parasite Casual or Normal By vassdeniss This is how to beat the parasite on casual or normal dat means that this guide works for casual or normal 1 1 Award Favorite Favorited Unfavorite This was my fourth guide about plague inc regarding the parasite I ve noticed the popularity of my other guides reaching around 2k

Plague Inc Parasite This is my guide to beating Parasite on Normal This plays along the same lines as Virus or Fungus playthroughs where you can infect the entire world without any Doctors clocking on How to Beat Parasite Normal Mode in 2020 Plague Inc Parasite Walkthrough No Commentary Today I ll be showing you how to beat Parasite on normal diffic

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Awesome to be right back at it again guys This time with Parasite on normal No problem watch the video complete the level no bullshit included Be sure to This Plague Inc parasite guide can help you design and control the perfect parasite to spread across the world and destroy all human life Fun After you ve beaten Plague Inc a few times by spreading bacteria and other pathogens around the world and condemning humanity to an early and grisly end you may find you want to replay with a new level of challenge Enter the Plague Inc parasite

The following are strategies for the Parasite plague type Please read the Wiki Rules before adding a strategy tips and Q A here If you aren t quick enough to devolve a mutation before it s spotted then pause the game time then devolve the mutation One should beat Parasite in only 323 days on normal Elite Assassin Ninja The 1 Create a New Game Choose New Game and then tap on Parasite If you have a saved game previously it will be replaced and can no longer be recovered Select Brutal Mode for the level then proceed to giving your plague a name 2


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Plague Inc Parasite Normal Walkthrough - How to Beat Parasite Normal Mode in 2020 Plague Inc Parasite Walkthrough No Commentary Today I ll be showing you how to beat Parasite on normal diffic