Plague Inc Fungus Normal Walkthrough

Plague Inc Fungus Normal Walkthrough Plague Inc Evolved Fungus Normal Walkthrough Watch on Step 5 Gather 25 DNA Points Upgrade Ability Spore Burst 1 5 Now we re going to need to start spreading the fungus more and into other countries You can do this by using the Spore Burst ability Save up 25 DNA and then upgrade 1 through 5 of your Spore Burst

This is NOT a complete step by step tutorial is slow to infect this general strategy will utilize Since Fungus has a hard time spreading across land and in arid environments but due to the randomness of mutations and faster cure speed allows more consistent results if trial and error is used This is a guide on how to wipe out humanity with the fungus on normal difficulity 3 4 Award Favorite Share Created by McPluffel Updated General information about Fungus The fungus plague is a standard plague type and have the same symptoms and transmissions as the bacteria and virus

Plague Inc Fungus Normal Walkthrough


Plague Inc Fungus Normal Walkthrough


Plague Inc Fungus Normal Walkthrough Ep 5 YouTube


How To Beat Plague Inc Fungus On Normal LevelSkip

How to beat Fungus on Normal Mode in Plague Inc A simple strategy for a relatively simple mode Jen Diaz April 1 2020 Guides Recommended Videos Fungus is the third challenge that awaits you in This video is a tutorial on how to complete FUNGUS on NORMAL on Plague Inc

113 5 9K views 3 years ago LetsPlay PlaugeInc KingXavid Hey guys hope you re having a great time Welcome to Plague Inc Evolved Mobile I spent hours trying to beat fungus in the past Like and Subscribe

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Plague Inc Evolved Fungus Tips Howtotieashirtknotthroughbeltloop

Walktrough Part I Fungal spores struggle to travel long distances without special effort 1 Start your new fungus in India 2 We wont be allowing any symptoms so devolve symptoms 3 Now build up to 66 points It will take a while 4 Now get Air 1 Air 2 Water 1 Water 2 Extreme Bioaresol 5 Build up to 33 Walktrough Part II 6 Gameplay Genes The Game Comments Gameplay The Fungus is a plague that introduces Unique Traits It is unlocked by completing the Virus on Normal or in Pity Mode Casual The guide for the Virus is provided below Plague Inc Evolved Virus Normal A Guide for Plague Inc Evolved By Someone i guess A guide to beat the Virus on Normal Casual

1 Choose your genes Fungus can be an extremely difficult level especially on Brutal so you ll want to choose the proper genes to help you get through If you don t have the following genes available choose anything else that you prefer or which is close DNA Gene Metabolic Hijack or Cytochrome Surge This will be crucial to stop the rapid hemorrhaging of authority so do it as often as needed Evolve Accelerated Manufacturing and Treatment Efficiencies to get the fatality rate down even lower Reset the infection rate with Antifungal 1 to slow the infection spread and any panic


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Plague Inc Evolved Fungus Normal Walkthrough YouTube

Plague Inc Fungus Normal Walkthrough - This video is a tutorial on how to complete FUNGUS on NORMAL on Plague Inc