Phantasy Star Portable 2 Ending Guide This guide serves as a simple checklist to achieve all the endings in both episode 1 and episode 2 The best endings are required to unlock certain movies at the movie theater certain partner characters certain missions and achieve
If you do all of those then you ll get True ending on your first run through Now if you finish with bad or good ending you must Redo all of those story missions you didn t get a There are THREE endings total The Bad Normal and True Endings Clearing each ending will reward you a different visual unit to equip to your line shield The Bad Ending
Phantasy Star Portable 2 Ending Guide
Phantasy Star Portable 2 Ending Guide
Phantasy Star Portable 2 Walkthrough Video Guide PSP Video Games
Review Phantasy Star II Old Game Hermit
Bad ending Take jabs at Emilia and everyone else whenever you get the chance Get rewarded with the Black Wings Good ending I honestly have no clue Screw up being bad or good by The Final Guide does not feature an in depth breakdown of Infinity Missions this is covered by the Infinite Guide Below you may find a download link for the Final Guide or you may view it inside this website
Best Ending S Rank everything in Hard while picking all the correct dialogue options Make sure you spam 5 2 for a rainbow set of Weaves too You re more or less guaranteed the ending Players create their own customizable character known as a Guardian and embark on an adventure to protect the Gurhal System from various enemies and uncover the secrets of the
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Either Emily will die or you ll run her to the end and she ll die there while the Rappies double charge you Fun fun Dodge or shoot the lilies through the damage gate Guide for True Ending Note that this is an translation done by another person from a few years ago so not everything is one for one but placement for text
Have fun getting the good ending The original Japanese guide says that if all these events and choices occur in your game then you are guaranteed the good ending If you only see some Got a Phantasy Star Portable 2 walkthrough FAQ or Guide Use the submission form or email them as attachments to faqs neoseeker FAQs Guides are posted in their original
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Phantasy Star Portable 2 Ending Guide - Bad ending Take jabs at Emilia and everyone else whenever you get the chance Get rewarded with the Black Wings Good ending I honestly have no clue Screw up being bad or good by