Phantasy Star 2 Maps Walkthrough This walkthrough of Phantasy Star II is a linear set of instructions that is divided by key goals in the game In addition to the instructions each section will have a discussion of key places characters items monsters and plot events that happen en route to accomplishing the goal Items to Obtain Important items for an area will
Walkthrough a Many many fights b Shure Thing c Nido Tower of Death d Oputa Oputa Oputa e Nothing like Biology f Cities by the Dump g Trash and Treasure h The STEAL Curtain i Uzo Green Dam and Gaira Passages of Skure Crevice and The Esper Mansion Menobe Guaron Ikuto Naval Noah RPGClassics Providing RPG info on all your favorite games with a sprinkling of personality
Phantasy Star 2 Maps Walkthrough
Phantasy Star 2 Maps Walkthrough
Walkthrough Phantasy Star 2
Maps Phantasy Star 2
Phantasy Star II Guides and FAQs Genesis Home Guides Q A Cheats Saves Reviews Media News Board Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by TheStarbird v 1 0 113KB 2006 Highest Rated Maps Shields Shir s Stealing Guide Technique Chronology Techniques Thanks Walkthrough Outer Space Giara Noah I would personally like to thank Wolfgang Landgraf for letting me use his maps for Phantasy Star II To check out his website
Walkthrough GEN by Voltron PHANTASY STAR II PROLOGUE Somewhere deep within the Andromeda Galaxy lies the Algo Star System The parent star Algo has three planets orbiting about it From StrategyWiki the video game walkthrough and strategy guide wiki Phantasy Star II Phantasy Star II Table of Contents Gameplay Walkthrough After waking up from a dream about an ancient battle your journey begins in Paseo You first visit the Commander of Mota in the Central Tower to learn the reason for your first journey
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Kain The wrecker Shir The thief People NPC people you will meet during your quest Maps Mota map A map of the entire Mota planet Dezo map A map of the entire Dezo planet Palm map The planet Palm Palma Mota map Scanned map of the planet Mota From StrategyWiki the video game walkthrough and strategy guide wiki Phantasy Star II Phantasy Star II Table of Contents Gameplay Walkthrough Contents 1 North Bridge 2 Oputa 2 1 Amy Sage 3 Biosystems Lab 3 1 Floor 1 3 2 Floor 2 3 3 Floor 3 3 4 Basement 1 North Bridge With Teim in tow head now for the North Bridge located north of Paseo
28 Images Phantasy Star II Review 8 Review scoring great Lucas M Thomas Read Review Summary SEGA s 1989 Genesis RPG serves up a balanced experience point system tough as nails bosses and a Don t feel ashamed to have to use maps or this walkthrough to find your way as previously stated the original Phantasy Star II was sold with a full walkthrough at its release so it was always kind of intended as this hardcore experience Many Phantasy Star II players choose to take a team of four to the endgame never changing it This
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Phantasy Star 2 Maps Walkthrough - Phantasy Star II Guides and FAQs Genesis Home Guides Q A Cheats Saves Reviews Media News Board Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by TheStarbird v 1 0 113KB 2006 Highest Rated