Payday 2 Car Shop Walkthrough This one is a hit on the Teuer Dealership high class joint Bain offering the heist The Car Shop is a heist unlocked during the Hype Train Event after reaching 900 000 gallons of Hype Fuel which was released on March 18 2015 during the Spring Break event day 6 The heist is contracted by Bain The Car Shop is contracted through Bain by an unknown party In this heist players have
Hacking the wrong computer will trigger the alarm Cars can only hold 2 players a driver and a passenger This is useful for unconfident players The heist is ECM rushable just be careful of guards missing shots and breaking glass The C4 won t detonate until everyone is inside the shop regardless of getting the keys Length 1 day Type stealth only Loot cars Maximum payout 3 680 000 according to Payday wiki Players needed to play properly 1 Walkthrough The complete walkthrough is in the video below but here I will point out some more tips and tricks about the heist
Payday 2 Car Shop Walkthrough
Payday 2 Car Shop Walkthrough
Payday 2 Car Shop Death Sentence Solo Stealth YouTube
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Car Shop Stealth By Undefined A no frills guide to stealthing Car Shop on Death Sentence Award Favorite Share Intro This guide is assumed for Solo play It can be used in Multiplayer although most lobbies will probably just ECM Rush which is preferable I wrote this guide for myself Payday 2 Walkthrough Part 1 Car Shop Gameplay Gamer Max Channel 391K subscribers Subscribe 51K views 6 years ago Playlist Payday 2 https goo gl OjbJjS Subscribe http goo gl bij4sg
So testing out my skills on the new mission Car ShopI like it a lot defently the last part when ur going to drive a carPretty sweet mission in my opinio Steam Community PAYDAY 2 Payday 2 Car Shop walkthrough Solo Stealth gameplay One Down
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Walk up to the objective and let the scene fade Once the game un dims press and hold G until the circle on screen is a complete circle Then turn around and enter the door that was just EVERYTHING there is to know about Car Shop DSOD solo stealth all manager spawns how to spot him from outside best way to take him out driving tips optimal pathing which doors to leave
Once you have enough paintings go to the van and escape Co op 3 4 recommended Follow the first paragraph from above Once that step is done start your ECM rush making sure to have 1 person Page 1 Payday 2 simulates bank robberies jewelry store break ins and so much more As fun as this illegal activity can be it s not easy running your game like Tony Soprano it takes
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Payday 2 Car Shop Walkthrough - EVERYTHING there is to know about Car Shop DSOD solo stealth all manager spawns how to spot him from outside best way to take him out driving tips optimal pathing which doors to leave closed safest way to find the manager and dealing with the roaming variation and more TIME STAMPS 0 00 Intro 0 16 Best driving tip