Overseer S Mission Fallout 76 Walkthrough

Overseer S Mission Fallout 76 Walkthrough The Map Here is the map I ve created to showcase you the areas of Fallout 76 with individual markers of where certain Overseer s Logs are located These are in chronological order of the story as it was intended at the start of the game 1 Overseer s Log C A M P

Starting C A M P located southeast of Vault 76 Inside the white painted church in Flatwoods The Morgantown Airport Terminal The Charleston Fire Department At Top of the World beside the elevator on the first floor In the Charleston Capital DMV Near the entrance to Abbie s Bunker Overseer s MissionFallout 76 Quest Group Side Quests In my case I received this quest at a later stage of the game when I approached one of the locations where the overseer s cache was located At that time I already had tapes found in Overseer s Camp Flatwoods and Morgantown Airport The Overseer scouted ahead Find her logs Bug

Overseer S Mission Fallout 76 Walkthrough


Overseer S Mission Fallout 76 Walkthrough


Fallout 76 Side Quests How To Complete The Overseer s Mission


Fallout 76 Side Quests How To Complete The Overseer s Mission

Despite being billed as an online only game Fallout 76 will still feature a main story that has players following in the footsteps of Vault 76 s Overseer who has left the vault before Quest Walkthrough For a detailed step by step walkthrough of this quest click the Reveal Spoilers button below WARNING This will reveal integral spoilers for this quest Click at your own risk Place s Everywhere Prerequisite N A Next Quest N A Objective Follow the Overseer s Journey

Overseer s Mission is the seventh of twelve Side Quests in Fallout 76 As always feel free to loot along the way There isn t much to the story of this game so if you see Random Overseer s Mission Walkthrough Simply open the Overseer s Cache which contains a number of supplies and the Overseer s Log scattered around Appalachia whenever you re close to it you ll gain an objective marker Click Overseer s Logs to view the location of each cache All of the Overseer s Cache are identical and none are hidden

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Fallout 76 Overseer s Mission Guide

Subscribe http oxhorn it youtube subscribe to oxhornBecome a Member https www youtube channel UCsC WvN66vZlDoYShzn4sA joinSupport on Patreon htt How do I complete the Overseer s Mission side quest Fallout 76 PlayStation 4 Home Guides Q A Trophies Reviews Media News Board Accepted Answer To complete this Side Quest you must do

Layout Possible Enemies Encountered Oppossums Mr Handy Mutant Hounds The Overseer s Camp is an outdoor campsite where you play through tutorials on crafting If you follow the main Overseer s Mission is a quest in Fallout 76 Synopsis As the Vault 76 Overseer set out across the wasteland of Appalachia to complete her mission she started leaving behind holotapes for her dwellers to find detailing her journey Walkthrough This quest tracks the player s progress in collecting the holotapes They are located at the following locations


Overseer s Mission Fallout 76 Quest


Overseer s Mission Fallout Wiki Fandom

Overseer S Mission Fallout 76 Walkthrough - Overseer Overseen is a main quest in the Fallout 76 update Wastelanders Contents 1 Background 2 Quick walkthrough 3 Detailed walkthrough 4 Quest stages 5 Behind the scenes 6 Gallery