Outlast 2 Ending Connect Outlast 1 and 2 and gives you some insight on what is going on behind the scenes of Outlast 2 Not complete insight but just enough to understand what s really happening
Outlast 2 is a tough game to complete and even tougher is piecing together what its ending means After facing terrifying foes mind twisting signals and religious cults in the harsh Arizona It s unknown if Blake lives or dies The game has two parallel endings which are interwoven together Throughout the game flashbacks of Jessica are shown including one where it is implied that she took her own life
Outlast 2 Ending
Outlast 2 Ending
Outlast 2 Alternate Ending How To Get It Explanation
Outlast 2 All Endings Explained Green Man Gaming
Depending on what you do at a certain point in the past is what will determine what kind of ending you get In one ending Jessica appears healthy The other one however her face is blue and her neck is bruised Developers usually love to give us endings that are unclear so that we can end the story however we want to think it ended There is a high chance there will be a sequel seeing all the positive reviews the game got and how the story ended but it s too soon for that
All of the game happens as we see it and the Hallucinations are only the school scenes This means Lynn is actually carrying the AntiChrist and the end of the game is armageddon for the Outlast universe Which is why the baby grew so fast OUTLAST 2 Ending Final BossGiveawayhttps gleam io competitions f4PkN outlast 2 giveawayOutlast 2 Playlist https www youtube playlist list PLYD0s9u
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Outlast 2 Endings Explained
Outlast 2 Ending Explained Fecolgogo
Outlast 2 Ending Explained AllGamers
Outlast 2 ending explained We try to answer all of the remaining questions leftover at the end of the game Check out the original article https www prima Outlast 2 Story Ending explained with full synopsis This explains the events of Outlast 2 with theories what happened to Blake
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