Oceanhorn 2 Pirta Beacon Hall Walkthrough We enter the Coccoon what the Owru s call the Pirta Beacon and explore its depths Its time for Oceanhorn 2 Knights of the Lost Realm the distant prequel
Pirta Beacon Underground in Pirta Beacon Hall hit lever with Trin s daggerang to enable elevator with fire symbol and then light both fires at top with Fire Spell 77 to 79 2 Treasure Chest Key to the Pirta Cocoon underground entrance Pirta Beacon Underground 79 to 81 2 In this guide we re going to go over some of the basic mechanics you need to know to play Oceanhorn 2 and then below you ll find links to all ten parts of our full Oceanhorn 2 walkthrough which you can browse for any dungeon or puzzle solution you could possibly want
Oceanhorn 2 Pirta Beacon Hall Walkthrough
Oceanhorn 2 Pirta Beacon Hall Walkthrough
Oceanhorn 2 Full Walkthrough Part 5 All Power Spheres Prita Beacon Underground Firebird Boss
https://media.pocketgamer.com/artwork/na-27656-1591311595/oceanhorn-2-ios-artwork-key-art (1).jpg
Oceanhorn 2 Arne Beacon Walkthrough The Basics To Get Through The Game
1st orb set a bomb with the wooden door by the right and where these all spiky things will pop out from the ground 2nd orb underwater trigger the lever to set the water down and pick up the orb throw it where you first came from and hook yourself up back again or trigger the lever again to rise the water up 3rd orb go through where you foun By Angelz in Apple Arcade Games In Oceanhorn 2 when you have collected Sacred Ground s Key from the Ambassador Irontalon you will need to unlock the gate and advance forward till you reach the big observatory kinda structure
Oceanhorn 2 The Forest of Pirta 100 Completion Walkthrough Pirta Uncovered YouTube 0 00 58 32 You can get all but one red chest in one go in Pirta the last chest requires Oceanhorn2 iPad AppleArcade
More picture related to Oceanhorn 2 Pirta Beacon Hall Walkthrough
Oceanhorn 2 Pirta Beacon Skip YouTube
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Hi Oceanhorn 2 community Sorry there is an above typo It is Pirta Beacon Hall and not Hill I managed to play a lot and accomplish 98 played during the pandemic finished Oceanhorn 1 last month Cleaning up missed things in Pirta Forest Valley of the Warden and White City Many thanks to wizdave for his 100 walkthrough info Welcome to our Oceanhorn 2 Pirta Region Collectible Guide This is part of a full Oceanhorn 2 Trophy Guide and includes 6 other chapters Browse below Arne Region Collectible Guide Sernoa Region Collectible Guide White City Region Collectible Guide Pirta Region Collectible Guide Submeria Region Collectible Guide Source Region Collectible Guide
Basically you use the grappling hook to cling onto hooks under the platforms You have to do a sequence of grappling shots in a row When you catch the first one you then fall and as you re falling you shoot again to grapple the next one You have to do this four or five times until you get up on the highest platform 3 Part 1 Pirate Hideout Galactoss Arne Beacon and more Part 2 Saving Trin Arne Invasion Hoverbike and Sernoa Station Part 3 Sernoa Station White City L Istrait Deep Jungle and more Oceanhorn 2 Full Walkthrough Part 8 Ootheca Dungeon Demon Turtle Yurmala Boss Invasion of Great Lagoon and more iOS Android Switch
Oceanhorn 2 Part 17 Pirta Beacon YouTube
Oceanhorn 2 The Forest Of Pirta 100 Completion Walkthrough Pirta Uncovered YouTube
Oceanhorn 2 Pirta Beacon Hall Walkthrough - 1st orb set a bomb with the wooden door by the right and where these all spiky things will pop out from the ground 2nd orb underwater trigger the lever to set the water down and pick up the orb throw it where you first came from and hook yourself up back again or trigger the lever again to rise the water up 3rd orb go through where you foun