Nier Automata Route C Walkthrough On this page of the Nier Automata game guide you will find a description of Route C and D endings You ll find out how to beat 9S or A2 in the final fight and also how to unlock major endings C D and E Route C and D main endings basic info Ending C allying with A2 Ending D allying with 9S Ending E how to unlock
Jump to any section of the game with this walkthrough Prologue Abandoned Factory The Bunker The City Ruins Desert Zone Amusement Park Machine Village Into the Depth Forest Zone Flooded City The Walkthrough for NieR Automata covers a detailed step by step guide for the main story of the game The game necessitates 3 playthroughs to unlock the Final Ending but there s a total of 26 Endings to unlock If you follow the suggestions below you will get to the destination without much fuzz
Nier Automata Route C Walkthrough
Nier Automata Route C Walkthrough
NieR Automata FULL GAME Walkthrough Longplay Route C YouTube
Nier Automata Route C Walkthrough Final Wish Part 31 YouTube
0 00 5 30 26 NieR Automata FULL GAME walkthrough Longplay Route C Global Gaming 76K subscribers 168 15K views 2 years ago more more NieR Automata 2017 Browse game This page of the guide to NieR Automata features a walkthrough of Chapter 11 where you control 2B and 9S interchangeably
0 00 4 55 30 NieR Automata Walkthrough 100 Completion Route C D and E Videogmz 24 7K subscribers Subscribe 601 70K views 4 years ago NieR Automata PS4 100 Completion 5 NieR Automata BECOME AS GODS Edition Story walkthrough Route C Chapter 11 Full Scale Attack Hide ads You start as 2B Get to the hangar and get into your flight unit The game
More picture related to Nier Automata Route C Walkthrough
Nier Automata Route C Taking Control Black Bipedal Goliath 2B Fight Gameplay Sequence PS4
Nier Automata Route B Difference Nier Automata Route C Opening Credits Intro Japanese Audio
Nier Automata Walkthrough Ending D Apixaser
From our walkthrough you ll learn how to prepare for the final chapter how to inflitrate the Tower how to win the encounter against 2B copies and how to defeat the chapter s bosses Ko Shi Ro Shi first separately then combined Preparations to the game s finale Tower Infiltration how to open the Tower Exploring the Tower Destroy Machines Head to the open desert area and fight the large machines until they re destroyed after which a centipede like boss Hegel will show up Blast it with your pod until it falls to
To achieve 100 in the game you need to do the following things Complete all Endings Complete all Quests Acquire all Achievments Acquire all Intel Meet Destroy one of each Enemy Types Find all the Archives and Novels Find all Picture Books Route A This first route will take you roughly 15 hours and stars the combat specialist 2B the face of the game with the help of her companion 9S as they face off against the machines Once
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Nier Automata Route C Walkthrough - 0 00 4 55 30 NieR Automata Walkthrough 100 Completion Route C D and E Videogmz 24 7K subscribers Subscribe 601 70K views 4 years ago NieR Automata PS4 100 Completion