Mysteries Of The Sith Walkthrough Go through the unlocked door You will enter the infirmary Search each room for items and weapons keeping an eye out for Imperials The room closest to the hole where Imperials are coming through contains the Blue Key SECRETS 2 AND 3 When you enter the infirmary look up at the ceiling Notice the cross beams that span across the ceiling
1 New Republic Base on Altyr 5 2 Asteroid Crust 3 Asteroid Core 4 Self Destruct Escape 5 Ka Pa the Hutt s Palace 6 Katraasii Space Port 7 Katraasii Space Port Part B 8 Takara s Stronghold 9 New Republic Escort Ship 10 Orbiting Ship Yards 11 Kaerobani s Base 12 Dromund Kaas Swamp 13 Sith Temple 14 Sith Temple Catacombs This sequel to Star Wars Battlefront improves upon its predecessor with a variety of gameplay enhancements such as u Behind a veil of secrecy the evil Empire is creating a doomsday army one that if finished will become the final c The Most Dangerous Man is the One with Nothing Left to Lose When outlaws murdered your wife and took
Mysteries Of The Sith Walkthrough
Mysteries Of The Sith Walkthrough
Steam Community Guide STAR WARS Jedi Knight Mysteries Of The Sith Remastered Mod updated
STAR WARS Jedi Knight Mysteries Of The Sith Walkthrough Chapter 1 Assault On Altyr V YouTube
Full game playthrough of Star Wars Jedi Knight Mysteries of the Sith This is a standalone expansion of Dark Forces 2 even though it was standalone it originally made you put in your Dark SECRET 1 Force Jump up onto the ledge Around the corner on the right towards the far wall you will see an orange opening Go on in look up and you will see a hole in the ceiling Force Jump up again through the hole and loot away SECRET 2 Force Jump up onto the rafters above and collect the goodie on one end
This will be the first version of any JK FAQ on GameFAQs to include a partial walkthrough It ll have walkthroughs for the first few levels It s pretty big there s lots of stuff to do It was designed to look somewhat like Cloud City but the level in the Mysteries of the Sith expansion did a much better job all around What powers are Star Wars Jedi Knight Mysteries of the Sith is an expansion for Star Wars Jedi Knight Dark Forces II which includes 14 Single Player missions and 15 Multiplayer maps allowing up to eight players to play online or over LAN
More picture related to Mysteries Of The Sith Walkthrough
Star Wars Mysteries Of The Sith Hafskjold
The Mysteries Sith By Jornsonny On DeviantArt,h_610,q_75,strp/the_mysteries_sith_by_jornsonny_d6udt6c-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9NjEwIiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvNmVkODM3NDItODlmYi00NTc3LWFhM2EtZTNjOGQ2ZDRjOTIwXC9kNnVkdDZjLTU0NDA1ZjAxLWQ1YmQtNGZiMS05MWEwLTA5ZWY5MzU2OTkwYS5qcGciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTAyNCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.v_XUwEiILhiok-6RBFLSWlWJIr9cadYlRxucRvi0Qmg
Star Wars Jedi Knight Mysteries Of The Sith Walkthrough Part 1 Oltina
Level 1 of Star Wars Jedi Knight Mysteries of the Sith titled New Republic Base on Altyr 5 Played on the Medium difficulty with 100 secrets Five year From StrategyWiki the video game walkthrough and strategy guide wiki Star Wars Jedi Knight Mysteries of the Sith
Jedi Knight Mysteries of the Sith is the expansion pack for the first person shooter Star Wars Jedi Knight Dark Forces II It was released on February 17 1998 One of the most attractive attributes of the game for fans was the opportunity to play as Mara Jade one of the most popular Star Wars Expanded Universe characters The game contains fourteen levels spanning a story set in 10 ABY 8 286 views 10 months ago Star Wars Jedi Knight Mysteries of the Sith is an expansion pack for the 1997 first person shooter Star Wars Jedi Knight Dark Forces II developed and published by
Jedi Knight Mysteries Of The Sith Test Review Gameplay GameStar YouTube
REVENGE OF THE SITH Star Wars Episode 3 Revenge Of The Sith Gameplay Walkthrough Ending 2
Mysteries Of The Sith Walkthrough - 3 Opposite the side of secret 2 4 In the hallway leading from the room with the flickering light there is a slashable grate to your right that hides a secret 5 After you turn on the auxiliary