Mt Moon Walkthrough Leaf Green Head north then turn right and pass the ladder Stick to the wall and go southwest to face off with another trainer Super Nerd Jovan Magnemite 11 Voltorb 11 Grab the Potion in the corner
READ ME The coverage of both Route 3 and Mt Moon has been merged together to speed up the progress Enjoy a 1 hour part of the Pokemon LeafGreen Walkthroug This is an in depth walkthrough for Pok mon FireRed and LeafGreen for the Game Boy Advance These pages detail the Pewter Gym Route 3 Mt Moon Route 4 Part 3 Cerulean City Cerulean Gym Route 24 Route 25 Route 5 Part 4 Route 6 Vermilion City S S Anne Vermilion Gym Part 5 Route 11 Diglett s Cave Route 2 Pewter City
Mt Moon Walkthrough Leaf Green
Mt Moon Walkthrough Leaf Green
Pokemon Yellow Mt Moon Map
Mt Moon Walkthrough Pokemon Firered And LeafGreen YouTube
From StrategyWiki the video game walkthrough and strategy guide wiki Pok mon FireRed and LeafGreen Pok mon tells the story of how a kid you can choose to be a boy or a girl from Pallet Town goes on an adventure to become the best Pok mon trainer in the Kanto region Throughout your journey you will collect many Pok mon which you will use to defeat all 8 Gym Leaders Each time you defeat a Gym Leader you will be rewarded with a Badge
Route 3 Route 3 leads directly to Mt Moon At the entrance to the route you ll run into Prof Oak s Aide who will give you the invaluable Running Shoes Now you ll be able to move a lot faster This is part 6 of my ongoing walkthrough for Pokemon Leaf Green In this video I finish working my way through Route 3 and I then head into Mt Moon I am pl
More picture related to Mt Moon Walkthrough Leaf Green
Mt Moon Map Let s Go Pikachu 316299 Mt Moon Map Pokemon Let s Go Pikachu
Pokemon Leaf Green Walkthrough Part 6 Mt Moon YouTube
Game Boy Advance Pok mon FireRed LeafGreen Mt Moon The Spriters Resource
This is part 7 of my ongoing walkthrough for Pokemon Leaf Green In this video I continue working my way through Mt Moon I am playing alongside Ambitchan wh Head back to the entrance past the first trainer that we battled and keep going west to the final battle for Level 1 To the left of the entrance area is Bug Catcher Kent and his Level 11 Weedle worth 138 XP and a Level 11 Kakuna worth 166 XP and 132 After you defeat Kent exit Mt Moon and go to the Pokecenter outside to heal and save
Mt Moon FireRed LeafGreen Mt Moon FireRed LeafGreen The numbers on the map show the corresponding ladders they don t actually line up vertically in the game The graphics are from FireRed LeafGreen but it is the same layout from Red Blue Yellow In HG SS Mt Moon is different it s just a straight path Walk 30 Mt Moon is the first cave we come across in the game For maps of Mt Moon click HERE for Floor 1 and HERE for Floor 2 First head directly north and then west then south to collect TM 09 Bullet Seed From here head west and north and collect a Paralyz Heal
Mt Moon Walkthrough Let s Play Pokemon FireRed Part 5 YouTube
Pok mon Red And Blue Mt Moon StrategyWiki The Video Game Walkthrough And Strategy Guide Wiki
Mt Moon Walkthrough Leaf Green - Route 3 Route 3 leads directly to Mt Moon At the entrance to the route you ll run into Prof Oak s Aide who will give you the invaluable Running Shoes Now you ll be able to move a lot faster