Mossdeep City Gym Emerald Walkthrough Prepare Ruby and Sapphire Gym Leaders Liza and Tate Trainers in the Mossdeep Gym have Psychic type pok mon Psychic types are weak to Bug Dark and Ghost moves Trainers in this gym have Ralts Kirlia Kadabra Natu Xatu and Girafarig In addition in Emerald there are trainers in the gym who have Wobbuffet Meditite and Spoink
Go to the Gym Explore Town In Ruby and Sapphire you can find Steven Stone in a house here and get HM08 Dive from him However you can t use Dive outside of battle until you get the next Gym Badge You can talk to a boy in one of the houses here to find out where your Secret Base is FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER https twitter GymLeaderDraven LIKE on FB https www facebook GymLeaderDraven Pokemon Emerald Version takes Trainers back to
Mossdeep City Gym Emerald Walkthrough
Mossdeep City Gym Emerald Walkthrough
Pok mon Emerald Gameplay Walkthrough Part 18 Mossdeep City Gym YouTube
Pokemon Ruby Sapphire Emerald Walkthrough Mossdeep City Route 127 and 126 City of the Seventh Gym There is quite a lot of things to do here in Mossdeep City Heal your Pokemon now and maybe visit the Mart On the raised land in the eastern part of the city is a Fisherman s house Talk to him and he ll give you a Super Rod Pokemon Emerald Walkthrough 26http twitter AmazingGroudon My TwitterPM me if you have a sony vegas code even if youve already used yours apperntly
In this video I show you the secrets to successfully pass this level easily Don t hesitate to ask your questions if you don t succeed Don t forget to subscri The Mossdeep Gym Japanese Tokusane Gym is the official Gym of Mossdeep City It is based on Psychic type Pok mon The Gym Leaders are Tate and Liza Trainers who defeat them receive the Mind Badge Contents 1 In the games 1 1 Generation III 1 2 Generation VI 1 3 Appearance 1 4 Trainers 1 4 1 Pok mon Ruby and Sapphire
More picture related to Mossdeep City Gym Emerald Walkthrough
Pok mon Emerald Walkthrough Part 25 Mossdeep City YouTube
Pokemon Emerald Walkthrough Part 60 The Mossdeep City Gym YouTube
Pokemon Emerald Ep 32 Mossdeep City YouTube
1 Route 124 1 1 Treasure Hunter s House 2 Mossdeep City 2 1 Move Tutor 2 2 Steven s House 2 3 Game Corner 2 4 Running Errands 2 5 Score the Super Rod 2 6 Mossdeep Space Center 2 7 Mossdeep Gym 2 8 Space Center 2 8 1 VS Maxie Tabitha 3 Trick House Puzzle 6 optional 4 Route 125 optional Route 124 Route 124 Surface Mauville City Gym Find the right cominbation of switches The thunderbolt symbols on the ground to clear the path to Wattson Lavaridge Town Gym Follow the numbered pits in numerical order to reach Flannery The actual gym is shrouded in mist making it difficult to see but this mist has been removed in the map shown Petalburg City Gym
Guide Home 19 To Mossdeep As soon as you are outside Fly to Lilycove go to the Poke Center heal and save Hit the Department Store to replace any kit you used then hit the beach and Surf to Mossdeep City check your map Note that at this point we are not really interested in side trips we need to stop Aqua First I want to say good on ya 1 General Information 2 Ruby and Sapphire 3 Emerald 4 Trivia General Information Location Mossdeep City Region Hoenn Gym Leaders Tate and Liza Badge Mind Badge Dominant Type Recommended Type Ruby and Sapphire File Mossdeep Gym RS png Mossdeep Gym in Ruby and Sapphire Gym Leaders Tate and Liza Emerald File Mossdeep Gym E png
Emerald Taglocke Ep 7 MossDeep City Gym YouTube
Pokemon Emerald Walkthrough Guide
Mossdeep City Gym Emerald Walkthrough - Pokemon Emerald Walkthrough 26http twitter AmazingGroudon My TwitterPM me if you have a sony vegas code even if youve already used yours apperntly