Moonshades Walkthrough Hall Of Heroes

Moonshades Walkthrough Hall Of Heroes This Wiki All Pages There is a separate page for general information about Levels and Dungeons This page links to details about specific Levels Dungeons Rooms and other Locations in the game This list is presented in alphabetical order not order of difficulty or the order in which locations are encountered in the game Contents 1 Area List

Answer from Damcdon Nothing really special Win enough and you ll be able to open chest Rewards are lame imo Aug 19 2020 01 Answer from Anon There s a secret room in first level of Hall of Heroes Two figures of developers and two chests inside Look at the map it s large and hard to miss Second part of my 100 moonshades walkthrough

Moonshades Walkthrough Hall Of Heroes


Moonshades Walkthrough Hall Of Heroes


Moonshades Walkthrough 19 YouTube


Moonshades Walkthrough Eleven YouTube

Third episode of my Moonshades 100 Walkthrough You can purchase a couple of Rare items from the Blacksmith each time you open the game for small amounts of gold 4 rare Forge epic 4 epic forge Legendary So 5 forge 400g each and 16 rare 100 200g each 1 Legendary About 5k gold So with some grinding you can farm common items to sell There are some walkthrough videos on

omplete walkthrough of the game from first level to last About the game I believe we don t have to say farewell to the gems of classic dungeon crawlers and role playing games even in our hectic modern world and with Moonshades I am trying my best to deliver their spirit and charm while bringing them up to date

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Tergaron Underground Crypt Ok the underground crypt I listened to the people in the house 5 3 and 1 I tried the combos 5 3 1 2 4 didn t open and I tried 5 3 1 4 2 still no go Maybe it s just me Am I missing something how do I get to the portal in my house U might have misheard the sequence about when U have to pull 5 3 1st lever Moonshades is a dungeon crawler role playing game to restore the immersive atmosphere and experience of the old school RPGs This wiki is new content is being added quickly See the To Do page where we re tracking what needs to be done with this wiki The game is evolving too with almost daily updates

Video Walkthroughs Walkthrough Part 4 The voiceless dungeon Watch this step by step walkthrough for Moonshades A Dungeon Crawler RPG AND which may help and guide you through each and every level part of this game From caamecci Dec 11 2019 00 NEXT Walkthrough Part 5 The Enchanted Labirinth Video Walkthroughs 4 of 5 Hand built Subject to minor errors but enough for the level Plz feel free to improve it Categories Community content is available under CC BY SA unless otherwise noted Spoiler Alert In my humble opinion maps like these kills the fun But if you are absolutely stuck you can use these for help


Moonshades Walkthrough 14 YouTube


Moonshades Walkthru 4 YouTube

Moonshades Walkthrough Hall Of Heroes - The Tombs of Terror Story Harten a once prospering kingdom full of promise is now under siege by the demons of another realm they arrived under the full red moon of Okrin the god of chaos and destruction through a portal of unknown origin