Monkey Island 2 Walkthrough Library Books Monkey Island 2 LeChuck s Revenge Special Edition Walkthrough By Samum Full walkthrough 4 2 Award Favorite Share Part One The Largo Embargo You start on the bridge Go left or right either way Largo will shake you down and steal your money After he leaves bail to the right side of the bridge Stop at the sign PICK UP SIGN
Try to pick up the Bucket The men will try to stop you Ask them if the bucket belongs to them It doesn t so Guybrush will grab it Continue to the left and walk into the hotel Use the Knife on the rope holding the little creature It will escape and the innkeeper will chase after him The Phatt Island Library is located at the Wharf on Phatt Island It is run by a single Librarian Books are organised in an extensive card catalogue Guybrush Threepwood used the Library to get a temporary Library Card with which to prove his age to buy alcohol He also needed to take out a number of books The library is known to have steep overdue fines There is also a miniature display of
Monkey Island 2 Walkthrough Library Books
Monkey Island 2 Walkthrough Library Books
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Monkey Island 2 Special Edition LeChuck s Revenge StrategyWiki The Video Game Walkthrough
4 Monkey Island 2 LeChuck s Revenge Part II The Four Map Pieces Part II The Four Map Pieces It s a beautiful day in the Caribbean and Captain Dread has no idea where he is supposed to go There s only one thing to do Well you can wander around Woodtick and talk to everyone However you need to go to the swamp so leave town when you re ready Now that you re at the overhead view
Monkey Island 2 LeChuck s Revenge Table of Contents Gameplay Walkthrough Contents 1 Part I The Largo Embargo 1 1 Objective Meet with Voodoo Lady at the Swamp 1 2 Objective Get a Largo s grandfather bone and then meet with Wally the cartographer 1 3 Objective Cook a captured rat with vichyssoise Part I The Largo Embargo 1 Item from the dead Largo s ancestor Woodtick At the toll bridge look at the sign Pick up the sign you ll get the shovel on it Cemetery Walk to graves Look at tombstones Locate Largo s
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196 ratings Monkey Island 2 LeChuck s Revenge Complete Walkthrough By VY A comprehensive guide to the game as well as the achievements 7 3 Award Favorite Share Intro Monkey Island 2 LeChuck s Revenge is the second installment of the series made by LucasArts The official Hint Book to Monkey Island 2 Le Chuck s Revenge Original scans and editing by Telev78 I only cleaned it up a little PDF version 72 pages 300dpi scans 71MB
Monkey Island 2 LeChuck s Revenge Table of Contents Gameplay Walkthrough If you read Big Whoop Unclaimed Bonanza or Myth you ll be given some info that ll get you started on the right track Enter the cabin and ask about your choices for where to go BEACH Get the stick Walk left to the path SWAMP Walk to the coffin and row right to the shack at the other side of the swamp Inside the shack get the string from the table Walk over to the right side of the shack to find the fortune teller from the shop in the first Monkey Island game
Monkey Island 2 Walkthrough Part 11 le Vrai Vid o Dailymotion
Monkey Island 2 Walkthrough Library Books - Monkey Island 2 LeChuck s Revenge Table of Contents Gameplay Walkthrough Contents 1 Part I The Largo Embargo 1 1 Objective Meet with Voodoo Lady at the Swamp 1 2 Objective Get a Largo s grandfather bone and then meet with Wally the cartographer 1 3 Objective Cook a captured rat with vichyssoise Part I The Largo Embargo