Max Payne 1 Walkthrough Pain And Suffering

Max Payne 1 Walkthrough Pain And Suffering Home Guides Max Payne Walkthrough Chapter 8 PAIN AND SUFFERING Max Payne Walkthrough Chapter 8 PAIN AND SUFFERING September 12 2016 Last Updated September 15 2021 Reading Time 4 minutes This Max Payne walkthrough is divided into 24 total pages 17 PART 3 A BIT CLOSER TO HEAVEN 18 Chapter 2 HIDDEN TRUTHS 19 Chapter 3 THE DEEP SIX

Max Payne Final Mission Walkthrough Video in High DefinitionMission No 025Part III A Bit Closer to HeavenChapter 08 Pain and Suffering 1 2 Watch in HD First time playing through Fugitive difficulty We go to the roof blow shit up and thats it http www gamerwalkthroughs co uk

Max Payne 1 Walkthrough Pain And Suffering


Max Payne 1 Walkthrough Pain And Suffering


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Max Payne Part 1 100 WalkthroughMax Payne 1 Playlist https youtube playlist list PL9hPi8Te9jUZMm70ZheWCPl0k5qQMvxfT Start a Wiki Don t have an account Max Payne monologues his confrontation with Nicole Horne building to find Horne waiting for him She tells Payne there s no way for him to live and escapes through a security door leaving the to deal with him

At the end of the hall press the small button on left side of the desk to open the enterance to the roof Head up the stairs and out onto the roof After the cut scene shoot out the cable right in front of you There are 4 guards around the corner to take out then head back to ledge with the cable you just shot off Max was a cop for the NYPD before his wife and daughter were brutally murdered by crazed junkies high on Valkyr Three years later he joins the DEA working closely with Alex Balder his trusted friend He goes undercover to infiltrate the mob hoping to bring down the people responsible for Valkyr

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Head through the door and take out the 1 or 2 guys in there Go to the right cabinet and grab the painkillers and ammo Then go to the other side of the lockers The far left locker has some more ammo Then exit back to the subway platform Down the platform about halfway there is a door on the left The Max Payne character thrives on speed and surprise In fact the game s success is built around his unique ability to dive in where angels fear to tread But sometimes it pays to look before you leap and this is the purpose of my walkthrough a modestly cautious method for those who want a pause or two between adrenaline rushes

SPOILER Spoilers PSA for new players who reach the final chapter Pain and Suffering YES YOU ARE INDEED SUPPOSED TO SHOOT THE HELICOPTER What the game wants you to do is deal a certain amount of damage to the helicopter and it ll leave fairly quickly and the same applies to when it attacks you on the outside scaffolding Max Payne Complete Walkthrough By Khonziel Max Payne Complete Walkthrough 1 Award Favorite Favorited Unfavorite Share Created by Khonziel Offline 01 52 20 Chapter Eight Pain And Suffering 3 Comments Calleweird Jul 29 2023 6 42am cheap guide just posting yt videos




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Max Payne 1 Walkthrough Pain And Suffering - Start a Wiki Don t have an account Max Payne monologues his confrontation with Nicole Horne building to find Horne waiting for him She tells Payne there s no way for him to live and escapes through a security door leaving the to deal with him