Mass Effect 3 Citadel Casino Walkthrough The Silver Coast Casino can be found in the Silver Sun Strip area of the Citadel part of the Citadel DLC The Casino is first visited as part of the Citadel DLC Walkthrough Part 2
In this episode of our Mass Effect 3 Insanity Walkthrough we continue the Citadel DLC and go undercover to infiltrate a charity party at the Silver Coast Ca Silver Coast Casino Infiltration Go up the stairs into the Casino and use the mingle option to interact with various patrons and employees
Mass Effect 3 Citadel Casino Walkthrough
Mass Effect 3 Citadel Casino Walkthrough
Mass Effect 3 Citadel Reckoning DLC Announced BioWare Blog
Mass Effect 3 Citadel DLC Casino Infiltration 1080p YouTube
Mass Effect 3 Citadel DLC Walkthrough Part 6 Silver Coast Casino Infiltration 2 of 2 Elijah Khan an arms dealer is hosting a charity gala at his casin During one of the core missions of the Mass Effect 3 Citadel DLC Shepard will need to help the mysterious Agent Brooks infiltrate a casino during a charity gala to find out who is
Mass Effect Legendary Edition Mass Effect 3 This video is about the Silver Coast Casino Infiltration at Mass Effect 3 more Walkthrough Part 2 begins with the whole crew in the apartment and takes them through the Casino and back to the apartment Walkthrough Part 3 takes the crew through
More picture related to Mass Effect 3 Citadel Casino Walkthrough
Mass Effect 3 Citadel DLC Group Photo By Sliferred123 On DeviantArt
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Mass Effect 3 Citadel DLC Casino Date With James YouTube
For Mass Effect 3 Citadel on the PlayStation 3 Guide and Walkthrough by ExtremePhobia The Silver Coast Casino is a casino located in the Citadel s Silversun Strip It is owned by Elijah Khan The casino is divided into three floors The lowest floor is simply an entrance stairway
Head to the Citadel and choose Personal Apartment from the docking menu In the subsequent exchange Anderson gives you his luxury apartment which is nice of him This To properly celebrate shore leave crew members have suggested throwing a party Gather party supplies and invite your friends Prerequisite Citadel Docks Retake the Normandy Joker
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Mass Effect 3 Citadel Casino Walkthrough - During one of the core missions of the Mass Effect 3 Citadel DLC Shepard will need to help the mysterious Agent Brooks infiltrate a casino during a charity gala to find out who is