Mario Odyssey Rescue Cappy From Klepto Walkthrough

Mario Odyssey Rescue Cappy From Klepto Walkthrough Super Mario Odyssey How to Rescue Cappy from KLEPTO again JedgamesGUY 612 subscribers Subscribe Subscribed 199 Share 101K views 6 years ago If you enjoyed the video be sure to leave a

Rescue Cappy from Klepto Head across the bridge and look on the right for a short set of stairs between a raised and lowered platform Get to the raised platform and ground pound it to cause How do you get Cappy from Klepto I m at the part where all I need to do is to grab Cappy but if I get to close to Klepto he flies away Cappy is saying Hit him from underneath but if

Mario Odyssey Rescue Cappy From Klepto Walkthrough


Mario Odyssey Rescue Cappy From Klepto Walkthrough


Cappy Mario Odyssey Ubicaciondepersonas cdmx gob mx


Super Mario Odyssey Klepto In Lost Kingdom Walkthrough YouTube

Full Guides below WORK IN PROGRESS Full Google Doc Spreadsheet of Power Moons Videos https goo gl uM7yGANote Because of how the game flows I will do Mario gets stranded in the Lost Kingdom after being defeated by Bowser and once he starts exploring the island a Klepto bird swoops down and steals Cappy so

Boards Super Mario Odyssey Need help rescue Cappy from Klepto ZwieberDeVos 6 years ago 1 If you go back to the Lost Kingdom Klepto steals Cappy again but now he goes to another pillar and I don t know how to get there Pls help Shieldlesscap 6 years ago 2 Make Klepto jump onto the smaller pillar and ground pound the taller pillar Klepto also known as Klepto the Condor 1 or Big Bird 2 is a larcenous heavy lidded condor that first appears in Super Mario 64 Since then Kleptos have continued to make infrequent appearances in the Super Mario franchise Their name comes from klepto a prefix originating from Ancient Greek and meaning theft Contents 1 History

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Updated May 27 2021 Cappy is a character in Super Mario Odyssey Mario and Cappy are the only two playable characters Cappy helps Mario because he wants to rescue his sister Toney9 6 years ago 2 You mean you can t get to the bird or you can t rescue him from the bird Gamechamp3k 6 years ago 3 Let him land on the lowered half of the pillar then ground pound the

Walkthrough IGN s Super Mario Odyssey complete strategy guide and walkthrough will lead you through every step of Super Mario Odyssey from the title screen to the final credits including Power After your big battle with Bowser Mario and Cappy will crash land in the Lost Kingdom where you ll soon be stripped of Super Mario Odyssey s central gameplay mechanic After exiting the


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Mario Odyssey Rescue Cappy From Klepto Walkthrough - Boards Super Mario Odyssey Need help rescue Cappy from Klepto ZwieberDeVos 6 years ago 1 If you go back to the Lost Kingdom Klepto steals Cappy again but now he goes to another pillar and I don t know how to get there Pls help Shieldlesscap 6 years ago 2 Make Klepto jump onto the smaller pillar and ground pound the taller pillar