Marina Supply Route Division 2 Walkthrough

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Marina Supply Route Division 2 Walkthrough


Marina Supply Route Division 2 Walkthrough


The Division 2 Classified Assignment Marina Supply Route YouTube


The Division 2 Marina Supply Route Classified Assignment All Collectibles And Trophy YouTube

Shoot yellow box above the security room Go to next section that looks like warehouse in left side top corner wave emote at camera Go back to security room and press keyboard Go back to camera waving spot door is open grab keycard The go open door that had red panel on it Marina Supply Route is a Classified Assignment in Tom Clancy s The Division 2 Disrupt the Outcast supply route on the Potomac river Reach the passenger terminal Secure the passenger terminal Open the shutters Reach the boat shed Destroy the weapon stockpile Reach the boat shed Destroy the

There are a total of eight Classified Assignments for players to complete in The Division 2 These assignments are marked on your map with blue targets When you get near one of these missions you need to discover the entrance to it Once the entrance is found you can inspect it to see what collectibles are in each mission Ice Cream Cone Acquire this trophy through exploration of the Marina Supply Route classified assignment which is exclusive to the annual pass from Year 1 Episode 2 Ice Cream Cone Ink Ribbon Acquire this trophy via completing a S T A R S daily apparel event project from the Resident Evil Apparel Event to Season 4 Warlords Of New York

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The Division 2 Marina Supply Route Classified Assignment YouTube

Go back to the camera and the girl will give you a keycard Use that to open the previously red keypad in the room immediately preceding the boat storage Grab the audio log and shoot down the rope Traipse across the boards and boxes open the loot box go through the door you opened by shooting the yellow box Enjoy your new backpack charm Published Mar 26 2021 The Division 2 has tons of classified assignments to complete Here s how you can complete them all Tom Clancy s The Division 2 is a massive action role playing

1 Starting in the Northwest corner of the small warehouse room there is a wall that reads SMILE AND WAVE YOU RE ON CAMERA You need to do just that and wave at the camera press and hold H Marina Supply Route KARA WONG Come on you gotta let me on the boat THE RUNNER You were late KARA WONG It s not my fault there was a shooting they blocked the road and I had to find a way around it THE RUNNER Yeah that sucks KARA WONG Come on I have to get on that boat I promised


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The Division 2 Episode 2 Marina Supply Route Classified Assignment Ice Cream Backpack Trophy

Marina Supply Route Division 2 Walkthrough - Walkthrough IGN s Tom Clancy s The Division 2 complete strategy guide and walkthrough will lead you through every step of Tom Clancy s The Division 2 from the title screen to the final credits