Mafia 3 Worse Than Dying Door Code

Mafia 3 Worse Than Dying Door Code How to solve the Mafia 3 Worse Than Dying Puzzle Here is a walkthrough of the Mafia 3 Worse Than Dying puzzle Travel to the island using the boat or the marked dock depending on your transportation Be careful of a

Walkthrough mission Worse Than Dying how to unlock the door to enter inner sanctum If you talk about the door that gets you into the inner sanctum or how it was called use the blacklight and look above the door the code is shown there The middle part is

Mafia 3 Worse Than Dying Door Code


Mafia 3 Worse Than Dying Door Code


Mafia 3 Sign Of The Times DLC Worse Than Dying Mission Trophy


Erfolgreich W ssrig Unfair Suez Canal Route Map Alles Gute Kalligraph

You need to pres SQUARE to open You re now on the last leg of the story arc Worse than Dying Snag the health kit and tac vest in the apartment if you need them and refresh your supplies from the weapons van before grabbing the boat out back

After the Mafia betray and murder his family Lincoln embarks on a quest for revenge while slowly building a criminal empire and seizing power from other criminal organisations in the city Once you find the keys you need to solve a small puzzle to open the door It s not that tough to figure out but if you need a hand here s an image of the solved puzzle Credit to the Mafia III Wiki for this Once that s done you

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Mafia 3 Gameplay 49 Worse Than Dying YouTube


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Mafia 3 Sign Of The Times Worse Than Dying Pt 1 YouTube

A good place to kill an enemy within two seconds of kicking open a door is when you kick open your very first door in the game in The Home Fires Burn second story mission Keep some enemies alive before kicking The front door s blocked but if you bear left around the building you ll find a little alley with a ladder there are an abundance of ladders in this DLC Get to the roof then drop down through the hole to trigger the

Return to the Intersanctum with both pieces in hand to unlock the door The open section of the outer disc should be on the top left and the inner marking is an upside down J Head through the now open door in the back of the kitchen and make your way back to the inner sanctum door Open door Press the activate button to install key pieces Follow the onscreen


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Mafia 3 Worse Than Dying Door Code - You need to pres SQUARE to open