Mafia 3 Rob The Cop Bar Walkthrough Http guides cheatcc mafia 3 guide walkthrough guide sections mission 39 interrogate bootleggersSteal cash from a cop bar to weaken the Moonshine racket
Look at the place how enemies are positioned who sees who who walks where and whistle most distant enemy you can whistle when you can be heard by more enemies and just one will come to check but sometimes they come in pair to come to you Then Whack him and whistle nest one 0 00 27 14 Mafia III Gameplay Walkthrough HD Rob the Cop Bar Part 28 No Commentary SpottinGames 156K subscribers Subscribe 310 views 6 years ago Mafia III 3
Mafia 3 Rob The Cop Bar Walkthrough
Mafia 3 Rob The Cop Bar Walkthrough
MAFIA 3 ROB The Cop Bar Gameplay 4k Full HD YouTube
Mafia III Gameplay Walkthrough HD Rob The Cop Bar Part 28 No Commentary YouTube
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Rob the cop Bar mission UC27 7 years ago 1 I ve been playing this mission for over a half an hour and can t seem to complete it Any advice from those who have Thanks in advance You re 6 guides Complete the next few missions as directed Mission A Friend in Jesus Now you will have to make your way through the Mardi Gras festivities Eventually you are forced to flee from the
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Go in the ally behind the bar and whistle to pull the enemies out back 1 by 1 to the ally Then go in the back door I did it without killing any police or enemies in the front area or inside the bar As long as you stalk they won t see you behind the counter S3atbelt 7 yr ago You have to do it with stealth pretty much oryherwise it s too hard How do I rob the cop bars As soon as I enter I get in trouble and pretty much surrounded and killed by what it looks like all Police forces of the city Showing 1 3 of 3 comments hackintoshchap Oct 1 2017 3 06am You can go in through the back door once any police in the area have moved 1 Q Oct 1 2017 4 51am
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