Mafia 2 Walkthrough The Warehouse Accepted Answer There is a very easy but sneaky way of completing this part of the chapter Kill the guys outside and work your way to the front of the warehouse You ll see a guy just outside
Exit the warehouse take cover behind the crates 1 and attack the first group of Derek s men Keep heading forward eliminating other gangsters along the way You ll soon notice that a new group has arrived in the car 2 and it ll be up to you to get rid of the reinforcements Welcome to the walkthrough section of our Mafia II guide You can follow the links below to reach the chapter in the game that you need help with Keep in mind that while the chapters are
Mafia 2 Walkthrough The Warehouse
Mafia 2 Walkthrough The Warehouse
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8 2 Answers I suggest sprinting into dereks office on the second floor of the building and hide away from the enemys until they come to you one at a time and kill them that way blake0730 11 Mafia 2 chapter 14 stairway to heaven warehouse walkthough on HARD YouTube 2023 Google LLC This is the easy way to beat Derek in mafia 2 on HARD difficulty Only Problem is i say
Mafia 2 14 Stairway to Heaven Part I Mafia 2 guide with text and videos Game Search All Our Full Game Guides Cheats Hints and Codes Questions and Answers Forums then drive it inside the warehouse and use it to kill the two thugs on the lower level by running them over Once they are dead park it near the far side of the warehouse Mafia 2 Walkthrough Chapter Mission No 14 Stairway to HeavenMafia 2 Walkthrough Hard Difficulty Playlist https www youtube playlist list
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Helping Derek Papalardo Our best option is to get some work from Derek Papalardo Make the long drive down to the docks and walk up to his office He ll pay you for a quick enforcement deal except it won t go so well Our loyalties have shifted a little bit Three methods on how to kill Derek Pappalardo easily in Chapter 14 Stairway to Heaven Join the famiglia by subscribing to Mafia Game Videos https YouTub
Warehouse chapter 14 on hard reptileboy311 13 years ago 1 im stuck at the warehouse I wipe out steve and the others outside no problem i get in the warehouse and its impossible really hoping someone has some tips to beating this on hard please help Lyserg10 13 years ago 2 What helped me was running straight to the back of the Unofficial guide to Mafia II PC video game contains a very detailed walkthrough of all fifteen chapters of the singleplayer campaign of the game It has been explained in each chapter how to fulfill mission objectives how to deal with enemy units and how to stay alive
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Mafia 2 Walkthrough The Warehouse - 8 2 Answers I suggest sprinting into dereks office on the second floor of the building and hide away from the enemys until they come to you one at a time and kill them that way blake0730 11