Mafia 2 Walkthrough Kill Derek And Steve 126 48K views 12 years ago Kill Derek and Steve without getting trapped in the warehouse Bring a car from your garage before going up to Derek s office and starting the mission Park it in
Three methods on how to kill Derek Pappalardo easily in Chapter 14 Stairway to Heaven Join the famiglia by subscribing to Mafia Game Videos https YouTub Guides Q A Cheats Reviews Media News Board Mafia II PlayStation 3 How to survive inside the warehouse near the end Kill Derek and Steve No matter where I go I get burned or
Mafia 2 Walkthrough Kill Derek And Steve
Mafia 2 Walkthrough Kill Derek And Steve
Mafia 2 Part 22 Derek Steve Shootout YouTube
Mafia 2 Gameplay Walkthrough Chapter 14 Stairway To Haven Meet With Derek Difficulty HARD
As Derek and his friends begin chucking Molotov cocktails your way back off of the boxes a bit as they will be engulfed in fire which will damage you and use the boxes and pillar as a more KILLING DEREK Start off by choosing a good weapon for long range combat because the shotgun you ve received from Derek won t do the job Exit the warehouse take cover behind the crates 1 and attack the first group of Derek s men Keep heading forward eliminating other gangsters along the way
An elderly man will be shown out in front of his home tending to his well pruned lawn As he waters his grass Joe and Vito pull up in their car Joe asks Vito if he remembers what he s supposed The game is linear in its presentation but not stymieing in your ability to backtrack So without further ado our walkthrough Chapter One The Old Country Chapter Two Home Sweet Home
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Answers Add your answer Guest answered You leg it staight to the back of the warehouse and take care of the two guys there Then if your still alive wait for a couple of guys to run down the stairs spray them then throw some grenades up onto the 1st floor without getting firebombed untill everyone is dead 2 0 Hard Difficulty WalkthroughPlayed on PC Windows7 Recorded with Fraps 3 2 2Edited with Sony Vegas Pro 9
1 Kill all the enimes from the entrance when you start the mission 2 After that get the car you drove to the harbour and drive it into the water the gate opening the place to kill derek should be closed 4 The door to derek office should be unlocked 5 Kill all the enimes and you should be good This glitch was not made by me Sort by JosephMack99 1 answer How can you stealth kill someone without pushing them Build PS3 2 answers What car will cost the least to upgrade but will sell for the most at Derek s Side Quest X360 1 answer
Mafia 2 Definitive Edition Walkthrough Gameplay Part 19 Derek Boss Fight Xbox Series X
MAFIA 2 DEFINITIVE EDITION Gameplay Walkthrough Part 2 YES DEREK YouTube
Mafia 2 Walkthrough Kill Derek And Steve - KILLING DEREK Start off by choosing a good weapon for long range combat because the shotgun you ve received from Derek won t do the job Exit the warehouse take cover behind the crates 1 and attack the first group of Derek s men Keep heading forward eliminating other gangsters along the way