Mafia 2 Derek Kill Walkthrough Run to the stairs and another set of Derek s guys will spawn Kill them Then go back under where Derek is and work your way around to kill the other guys that dont come down after that run over to the garage door and try and shoot Derek from there Nikolai Aug 23 2015 3 13am Or just run to the back kill the two grunts
You can kill Steve very easy but Derek is the hard one In this video i ll show you how to kil Spoiler Alert In Chpater 14 you have to kill Derek and Steve This is a remake video in Full HD 60FPS and without any fast forward shite of my old video that you can find here https www youtube watch v gNxDqtNAb
Mafia 2 Derek Kill Walkthrough
Mafia 2 Derek Kill Walkthrough
Derek Pappalardo Mafia Wiki Fandom
Start off by stopping the car in front of the store 1 Make sure to leave the door opened so that returning to the car won t take a lot of time Enter the store draw a gun and kill the owner 2 Quickly approach the register and take the money 1 Once you have the cash return to your car parked in front of the store 2 Mafia II Walkthrough Chapter Fourteen Stairway to Heaven Chapter Fourteen Part 2 advertisement Fortunately for Vito things don t go quite as he originally planned As he follows Derek
Mafia 2 Hard Walkthrough Chapter 11 House Burned and Go to Joe s Apartment by rahuliyer95 4 13 Mafia 2 Hard Walkthrough Chapter 11 Take Leo to the Train Station by rahuliyer95 Quickly kill one of them and use the crates barrels cover to kill the other one Once you are there you can slowly inch forward to get an arc to throw the grenade upstairs It will take some good timing and patience
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Part one of the Mafia crime saga 1930s Lost Heaven IL Re made from the ground up rise through the ranks of the M Grab the revolver off of the ground and proceed to clear off this level Sneak up to the first guard on the left and use the context queue to knock him off of the building Move down a bit further to do a stealth kill on the patrolling guard Move over to the stairs and push this guard off too
The game is linear in its presentation but not stymieing in your ability to backtrack So without further ado our walkthrough Chapter One The Old Country Chapter Two Home Sweet Home Kill Derek and Steve without getting trapped in the warehouse Bring a car from your garage before going up to Derek s office and starting the mission Park
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Mafia 2 Derek Kill Walkthrough - Mafia II Walkthrough Chapter Fourteen Stairway to Heaven Chapter Fourteen Part 2 advertisement Fortunately for Vito things don t go quite as he originally planned As he follows Derek