Luris Pokemon Saphire Walkthrough Pt 1 Introduction After the title screen the resident researcher of the Hoenn region Professor Birch appears and introduces new Trainers to the Pok mon world The professor continues asking the player to select both a gender and a name which can be up to seven characters long
Pokemon Ruby Sapphire Walkthrough Stone Badge Littleroot Town Route 101 Oldale Town Route 103 Rival Battle 1 Route 102 Petalburg City Route 104 Petalburg Woods Rustboro City Knuckle As in Pok mon Crystal you choose whether you want to play as a boy or a girl After choosing your gender you choose your name In Ruby and Sapphire you can choose from four pre made names or write your own while in Emerald there are no pre made names Once you complete the introduction screen you find yourself in the back of a moving truck
Luris Pokemon Saphire Walkthrough Pt 1
Luris Pokemon Saphire Walkthrough Pt 1
Luris Cave Puzzle Pokemon Dark Worship Completed English Gameplay Walkthrough Part 3 YouTube
Pokemon Saphire Walkthrough Ep 3 YouTube
After Rival Battle 1 After you battle your rival at Route 103 Prof Birch is impressed with you and gives you a Pok dex so you can catalog your finds Your rival will gives you 5 Pok Balls so you can start catching Pok mon Before you leave Littleroot Town your mother will tell you to wait She will give you a Running Shoes A complete walkthrough of Pokemon Sapphire for the Game Boy Advance 00 00 Intro2 05 Littleroot Town Route 101 Oldale Town Route 10311 04 Route 102 Petalb
The Mossdeep Gym specializes in Psychic type Pok mon which are vulnerable to Bug Dark and Ghost type moves Dark Pok mon are both immune to Psychic moves and able to inflict super effective damage Avoid using Fighting and Poison type Pok mon The Gym features a series of spin tiles and several switches when flipped these switches alter the direction of the red tiles allowing Part 1 of my Pokemon Sapphire Walkthrough Guide for the Gameboy AdvanceIn this part we get my starter Pokemon If you enjoyed make sure to leave a LIKE and
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Luerois adventure through the Hoenn region Pokemon Sapphire Littleroot Town the place where you begin You will awake in the back of a moving truck in Littleroot Town after that you ve moved all the way from Johto After that you ve are of from the truck your mother starts talking to you and is taking you into your new home In the living room you will see Machoke s moving the boxes around the place
Pokemon Sapphire Part 1 Pokemon Sapphire Walkthrough Pokemon Sapphire Is one of my very favourite games Subscribe to PIMPNITE http bit ly PIMPSubscribe Welcome to the first part of my Pokemon Omega Ruby walkthrough Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire just released on the Nintendo 3DS and I m really excite
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Luris Pokemon Saphire Walkthrough Pt 1 - After Rival Battle 1 After you battle your rival at Route 103 Prof Birch is impressed with you and gives you a Pok dex so you can catalog your finds Your rival will gives you 5 Pok Balls so you can start catching Pok mon Before you leave Littleroot Town your mother will tell you to wait She will give you a Running Shoes