Luigi S Mansion 3 2nd Floor Walkthrough

Luigi S Mansion 3 2nd Floor Walkthrough Suck it up and bring it to a stove Melt down the ice to find the floor s Blue Gem Collect it to complete the Collected all Mezzanine gems achievement Return to the pantry and find a Piggy Bank on the right shelf that you can blow up for Gold as well Next tug on the other door to find a refrigerator

Recommends IGN s Luigi s Mansion 3 guide and walkthrough is complete with puzzle solutions boss guides every gem location all boo locations tips and tricks secrets easter eggs and Now that the store security guard on floor 3 of Luigi s Mansion 3 is out of business we will be able to explore the second floor the mezzanine This should remind you of something since we are above the main hall On this new floor use the suction shot over the door blocked by the prohibition sign and enter the heart of the mezzanine Run to the end of the corridor and walk through the

Luigi S Mansion 3 2nd Floor Walkthrough


Luigi S Mansion 3 2nd Floor Walkthrough


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Floor 2 At floor 2 head right and follow the hallway to find a ghost dog Use the suction shot to remove the barrier of the door and inside it you will find the ghost dog again who take some cheese Head up the hall to the gold door and enter to find the dog again Walk down to the dining area for a cutscene with the ghost dog and many Next Level Games Nintendo via Polygon Luigi s Mansion 3 s 2F Mezzanine level has six hidden gems In this guide we ll show you their map locations and how to find them all On every

Here s what to do at the very beginning of Luigi s Mansion 3 including opening doors with the Stobulb using the Dark Light for the first time and fighting ghosts The 2nd floor key locations are Here s my 4th episode of Luigi s Mansion 3 I play through the 2nd floor aka the Mezzanine in this video My YouTube Website https jamestube8439 weebly c

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At floor 3 go east and enter the bathrooms The men s bathroom has two stalls Use the suction shot on the right stall and pull it to open the bathroom stall In it you will find a key in the toilet Exit and head west past the elevator to the locked door which you can now open Inside the locked door you will encounter the Guard Ghost Take the elevator to 15F Master Suites Gem 5 Go to the left of the screen and use Gooigi to ge tinto the pipe He ll land at the top of the elevator Head into the alcove here his flashlight is

Https underbuffed luigis mansion 3 achievements Move Gooigi through the spikes at the bottom of the stair to pull the ball and cord so Luigi can get across Open the barrel in the middle by using your suction shot and a pull This will reveal


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Luigi S Mansion 3 2nd Floor Walkthrough - Here s my 4th episode of Luigi s Mansion 3 I play through the 2nd floor aka the Mezzanine in this video My YouTube Website https jamestube8439 weebly c