Little Big Planet Psp Walkthrough Level 3

Little Big Planet Psp Walkthrough Level 3 Collect the Bubbles on the upper left side of the area and grab the 3 logs near these Bubbles and drop them on the fallen pillar to make it go to the upper right Get off of the jetpack and cross the fallen pillar On the other side jump on top of the pillar to find a Prize Bubble with Bad Spirit

1 The Gardens 1 1 Introduction 1 2 First Steps 1 3 Get a Grip 1 3 1 Tie Skipping 1 4 Skate to Victory 1 4 1 Castle Climb Challenge 1 4 2 Skateboard Freefall 2 The Savannah 2 1 Swinging Safari 2 2 Burning Forest 2 2 1 Flaming Seesaws 2 3 The Meerkat Kingdom 2 3 1 Tunnel Plunge 2 3 2 Meerkat Bounce 3 The Wedding 3 1 The Wedding Reception For LittleBigPlanet on the PSP Guide and Walkthrough by dontyoulookatme Menu This is the FAQ WALKTHROUGH for Little Big Planet for the PSP This guide is not to be sold and is to be hosted on Gamefaqs go along to the next lever Pull and go down then head left and press the next lever Head back and move to a lower

Little Big Planet Psp Walkthrough Level 3


Little Big Planet Psp Walkthrough Level 3


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I hereby present you my newest project on Little Big Planet in which I will guide you through the story mode help you build your own worlds and even help you finish worlds that were created by Requires 2 Players Inside the skull use the swings to reach a high ledge by the crocodiles Now have one Sackboy stand on the switch to open a door which the second one runs through Now have

Walkthrough Level Creation Basics Trophies LittleBigPlanet lays the cute on thick but it s not all rainbows and lawn gnomes Running jumping and grabbing are the extent of your Sackperson s Starter Guide Top Guide Sections Starter Guide Walkthrough Characters Trophies Was this guide helpful Leave feedback LittleBigPlanet 3 brings LittleBigPlanet to the next gen with new items

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PS3 Millions of copies of LittleBigPlanet were recalled near its launch due to one of the songs Tapha Niang by Toumani Diabate Some of the lyrics sampled Quran scripture which was seen as insensitive by some listeners Diabate went on to defend his song saying it was a way to attract and inspire people toward Islam LittleBigPlanet is sidescrolling puzzle platform game developed by SCEE Cambridge Studio later known as Guerrilla Cambridge and published by Sony Computer Entertainment Europe It is the second mainline game in the LittleBigPlanet series following the original game of the same name The game was released in 2009 for the PlayStation Portable and was later made available for the PlayStation


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Little Big Planet Psp Walkthrough Level 3 - Requires 2 Players Inside the skull use the swings to reach a high ledge by the crocodiles Now have one Sackboy stand on the switch to open a door which the second one runs through Now have