Lineage 2 Subclass Quest Walkthrough Subclass Quests September 15 2017 In order to subclass you must do 4 quests Below is the order of which you can and should take them The first three are pre requirements for the final one 1 Supplier of Reagents Level 57 Location Ivory Tower sopping level Trader Wesley
Lineage Quests Walkthrough Class Quests 3rd Class Change Quests These quests begin when you hit level 76 Once completed you can change to your 3rd class immediately Noblesse Players who have leveled a subclass to level 75 and have completed the quest for it may become a Noblesse Guide Purpose collect the orb from cabrio and the scepters from the 3 TOI raid bosses to receive your pipette knife and stab Baium At completion you receive the Star to do Mimir s Elixir 4 Mimir s Elixir Level 75 Location Magister Ladd 4th floor Ivory Tower Guide Purpose craft the elixir to subclass
Lineage 2 Subclass Quest Walkthrough
Lineage 2 Subclass Quest Walkthrough
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This quest is needed for subclass Description Listen to the call of fate You are the one that will shake up the destiny of the territory Provide a new hope in the hell of despair and equip the flames of tempered hell Start Level 75 Start Location Town of Oren Type One time quest Party Rewards A Grade Weapon Subclass Races All Fate s Whisper Subclass quest guide first part Once your character is level 76 You can began the first guest out of two to add a subclass to your character First task To start the first quest Fates Whisper teleport to oren and find Maestro Reorin who is found east of Oren Here is the picture of his location
Fate s Whisper 1 The quest begins with Maestro Reorin who is found east of Oren Castle Town You ll be back here many times so remember the location He will ask you to free his wife Reiria by slaying Shilen s Messenger Cabrio and get back her soul orb NOTE In FREYA Maestro Rorin is located at Sel Mahum Trainning Grounds 1 Talk to Magister Ladd at 4th floor of Ivory Tower Ladd tells you to bring him Pure Silver which can only be gotten through the other quest Supplier of Reageants 2 Talk to Supplier Wesley at basment of Ivory Tower He will give you the Supplier of Reageants quest which is needed to get the quest items
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Full quest SubClass in Lineage 2 Chronicle 42 quests Fate whisper Mimir s elixirYou need 75 lvl to start this quest to finish you need 984 B Crystalls top 1 Lunargent 1 Quicksilver 1st tempreature Pure Silver Now that you got Pure Silver Take to back up to Magister Ladd at Ivory Tower Bring the Pure Silver to Ladd on 4th floor of Ivory Tower Now he tells you he needs True Gold He will tell you to go to Joann on the 3rd floor Talk to Magister Joan on 3rd floor of Ivory Tower
About The Game Weapons SA Augment Stats PvP Armors Sets Skills Compare Clan Buffs Certs Recipes NPC Monsters Raid Bosses Quests Class Quests Various tutorial videos and info about Lineage II Recommended links Subclass Quest Guide Part 2 8 Go to Valley of Saints Rune area and talk to Enfeux which is actually a straigt stone 9 Talk to Priest Innocentin in Rune Town inside the temple 10 Go to Forge of Gods Goddard area teleport through NPC Chandra she s in the
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Lineage 2 Subclass Quest Walkthrough - When you finish Mimir s Elixir quest you can go to each occupation grand master and select a subclass If you select a subclass level and first ability value the skills are changed to the character with a level 40 in the subclass Please note that in some cases you may not able to move due to weight restrictions when switching classes