Lego Marvel Superheroes Ps3 Walkthrough Part 3

Lego Marvel Superheroes Ps3 Walkthrough Part 3 Listed below is the complete LEGO Marvel Super Heroes walkthrough Level 1 Sand Central Station Level 2 Times Square Off Level 3 Exploratory Laboratory Level 4 Rock up at the Lock Up

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes Guide and Walkthrough PlayStation 3 By CyricZ GameFAQs LEGO Marvel Super Heroes Guide and Walkthrough PlayStation 3 Home Cheats Media Guide This guide to LEGO Marvel Super Heroes contains complete walkthrough describing every single mission in the main and bonus campaign with specific solution to all important fights and riddles Text is reader friendly players who are not common with the LEGO genre should look to the Overall hints part created especially for them

Lego Marvel Superheroes Ps3 Walkthrough Part 3


Lego Marvel Superheroes Ps3 Walkthrough Part 3


LEGO Marvel Super Heroes Walkthrough PART 2 PS3 Lets Play Gameplay TRUE HD QUALITY YouTube



A wall of sand is our next obstacle We need to wet the wall in order to destroy it Using Iron Man fire a rocket at the globe on top of the newspaper stand Use the remaining pieces to build a PlayStation 3 PSP Super Nintendo Vita Wii

Complete level 3 Exploratory Laboratory Level Lead in Head north past the big hole in the ground and shoot Hawkeye s explosive tipped arrows into the silver frame around the broken billboard 1 At the far left of the area beside a hole in the wall use explosives on silver objects to reveal a dig spot Dig this up with a clawed character then assemble the pieces into a blue crate

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Approach to the central part of the area and destroy all objects lying there Then build stairs from the debris only Jean can do that and go to the upper floor Standing there use telekinesis ability to move the painting from the wall then melt a golden wall hidden behind it Use another computer to release the next group of students Lego Marvel Super Heroes Walkthrough October 22 2013 by Ferry Groenendijk Our 100 Lego Marvel Super Heroes walkthrough will guide you through the beginning to ending moments of gameplay with strategy tips for this Action Adventure on the PS3 Xbox 360 Wii U PC Xbox One PS4 The game s also available on PS Vita 3DS DS

Welcome to the Walkthrough for LEGO Marvel Super Heroes Here you will find a full guide to completing each level and finding all of the collectibles therein Each stage awards up to 4 Gold Bricks by completing the level unlocking True Believer status finding all 10 Minikits and Rescuing Stan Lee Most Minikits and Stan Lee in Peril side objectives require you to replay the level in Free This video is a complete full game walkthrough for the story mode of LEGO Marvel Super Heroes on PC This is an educational walkthrough showing how to compl




Artwork Images LEGO Marvel Super Heroes PS3 2 Of 4

Lego Marvel Superheroes Ps3 Walkthrough Part 3 - 1 At the far left of the area beside a hole in the wall use explosives on silver objects to reveal a dig spot Dig this up with a clawed character then assemble the pieces into a blue crate