Lego Indiana Jones 2 Walkthrough Snake Pit Map Room Click any of the screenshots below to enlarge Use Sallah s shovel to smash the green snakes on the left and bottom center of the room since Indy s ophidiophobia causes him to cringe away Ophidiophobia Now there s a word you can use to impress your friends and confuse your enemies
220 Share Save 164K views 12 years ago Check out Bas Rutten s Liver Shot on MMA Surge http bit ly MMASurgeEp1 http www mahalo LIJ2 Check out all of our LEGO Indiana Jones 2 videos 1 Road Through the Jungle 2 Palace Interior 3 Underground Tunnels Area 1 Road Through the Jungle Click any of the screenshots below to enlarge Artifact piece 1 is just to the right of the starting position It s partially concealed by some ferns but still easy enough to spot
Lego Indiana Jones 2 Walkthrough Snake Pit
Lego Indiana Jones 2 Walkthrough Snake Pit
Lego Indiana Jones Achievements Lego Indiana Jones The Original Adventures Playstation
LEGO Indiana Jones SNAKES Cutscene Cinematic Movie YouTube
I m royally stuck in the level where Spalko is standing on the edge of a cliff snake pit on one side quick sand on the other and soldiers are dropping from everywhere Indy Mutt and the The Warehouse When you start a new game and every time you load a saved game you will begin in the warehouse The warehouse is where you will access the hubs for each of the six movies When you begin a new game you ll only have access to one hub Kingdom of the Crystal Skull Part 1 Select it and Indy and Mac will open it up
0 00 21 10 Lego Indiana Jones 2 The Adventure Continues 12 Snake Pit TeamL4D4 727 subscribers Subscribe Subscribed 1 Share 71 views 6 years ago Hi L4Lila here welcome to our Free Play Use a small character to squeeze through the hatch and emerge on the other side of the pit Switch to someone with explosives and blow up the silver dinosaur statues Grab the Sword on the left and return through the crawlspace Use it to break the rope holding the bridge up
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100 Walkthrough guide showing all Hub Collectibles Treasure Levels Bonus Levels and Super Bonus Levels All locations are per video 3 Award Favorite Share Raiders of the Lost Ark Hub Collectibles Time of each location 01 06 Sherpa Brawler Unlocked 01 21 Passenger Jet Unlocked 01 31 to 01 59 All 10 Green Bricks Christmas Trees Treasure 1 Use a Torch to run around in the snake pit safely There s a Treasure in the pit behind the northwest pillar Tomb 2 The long yellow button on the ground will trigger the spikes
Raiders of the Lost Ark Hide ads Jeep Race The start of this race is close to where you first get the Jeep beside the camel pen The finish line for this race is near the wooden shed on the snowy Page 18 of the full game walkthrough for LEGO Indiana Jones 2 The Adventure Continues This guide will show you how to earn all of the achievements Snake Whip Turns Indy s whip into a green
Story Level 3 Map Room Mystery LEGO Indiana Jones 2 Walkthrough Raiders Of The Lost Ark
Lego Indiana Jones 2 Walkthrough Snake Pit - Free Play Use a small character to squeeze through the hatch and emerge on the other side of the pit Switch to someone with explosives and blow up the silver dinosaur statues Grab the Sword on the left and return through the crawlspace Use it to break the rope holding the bridge up