Lego Hobbit At Your Service Walkthrough

Lego Hobbit At Your Service Walkthrough At Your Service Once the story starts inside Bag End destroy the chest to the right of the door to uncover the key Pick up the key and use it to unlock the door In the next room destroy the

LEGO The Hobbit Guide and Walkthrough PC Home Guide and Walkthrough PC by CyricZ Version 1 0 Updated 05 16 2014 FAQ of the Month Winner May 2014 0 00 9 11 At Your Service 1 2 Lego The Hobbit Walkthrough 3 CompleteGameplay 23 subscribers Subscribe 7 2 5K views 5 years ago Thanks for watching Become a subscriber That would

Lego Hobbit At Your Service Walkthrough


Lego Hobbit At Your Service Walkthrough


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173 20 This unofficial guide for LEGO The Hobbit includes all of the key information whose knowing may help you complete the game s storyline and the side missions in an easy and a stress free way Also thanks to this guide you will b able to find all of the collectibles hidden in the world of the virtual Middle Earth In this guide you will find A rundown of Gameplay Basics A tour of Middle earth How to beat each level in Story Mode as well as how to get to the next Story level in Middle earth The locations of all 10 Treasure Chests all 4 Treasure Items and the Blacksmith Design in each level in Free Play Mode

Walk to the left with the rock and throw it use the aiming function at the plant in front of the ladder up and to the left Build the pieces of the fallen plant into a hang rail then use it to Lego the Hobbit all missions list 00 00 06 Greatest Kingdom in Middle Earth00 21 42 An Unexpected Party00 32 52 Azog the Defiler00 49 06 Roast Mutton

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Full game walkthrough for all 39 Achievements in LEGO The Hobbit It should take between 32 and 36 hours to complete Welcome to the Lego The Hobbit Walkthrough This is another Traveller s Tale Lego game so if you have played them before you will be familiar with the most of the controls in this one This

Smash the glass shelf in the back left of the area near the curtain and from the remaining bricks hold so you get the instruction platform build point Approach the build point and tap then give Thanks for watching Become a subscriber That would help me out a lot I ll post very often Sometimes even multiple videos s a day If you are interested i


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Lego Hobbit At Your Service Walkthrough - 173 20 This unofficial guide for LEGO The Hobbit includes all of the key information whose knowing may help you complete the game s storyline and the side missions in an easy and a stress free way Also thanks to this guide you will b able to find all of the collectibles hidden in the world of the virtual Middle Earth