Lego Harry Potter Years 1 To 4 Wii Walkthrough Our LEGO Harry Potter Years 1 4 guide will note all of the important characters that you can meet and unlock along the way as well as notes on collecting golden blocks and much
In dreams we enter a world that s entirely our own This guide and walkthrough to LEGO Harry Potter Years 1 4 contains codes tips locations of all collectibles and a complete set of information that each young magician needs in order to finish the game in 100 Last update 06 February 2019 0 Post Comment 1 1 10K 1 1M views 1 year ago Follow me on Twitter for updates lizerikseries A Full Game 100 Longplay Walkthrough of LEGO Harry Potter Years 1 4 Remastered where I show you how
Lego Harry Potter Years 1 To 4 Wii Walkthrough
Lego Harry Potter Years 1 To 4 Wii Walkthrough
Kartasto Huijaus Kiehtova Lego Harry Potter Years 5 7 Ps3 Konekirjoittaja Pystyss Puristus,1000_QL80_.jpg
LEGO Harry Potter Years 1 4 Android 1 YouTube
Lego Harry Potter Years 1 4 2010 Browse game Gaming Browse all gaming Detonado Walkthrough Playthrough Gameplay Longplay Wii Full HD 1080p 60fps All story all In order to use dark magic you need to use the Polyjuice Potion or use an evil character on freeplay e g Lord Voldemort Tom Riddle or Barty Crouch Jr Evil characters Wingardium Leviosa
LEGO Harry Potter Years 1 4 combines those two pursuits into a sprawling adventure that will find players exploring the deepest darkest reaches of Hogwarts Castle as they act out the The World of Magic 4A Spell Wheel 4B Passive Skills 5 The Leaky Cauldron Diagon Alley 6 Hogwarts Castle 6A Map of the Castle 6B Student Areas 6C Main Castle Areas 6D Classroom Areas 6E
More picture related to Lego Harry Potter Years 1 To 4 Wii Walkthrough
LEGO Harry Potter Years 1 4 Wingamestore
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Harry Potter Lego Years 1 4 Walkthrough Part 88 Gringotts Levels 4 6 YouTube
Approach the goblin stationed in the middle of the Gringott s Bank 1 Wave in front of him by default J while standing in the designated spot After a short cutscene you will take control of the goblin Open the first lock 2 Open the big gate using Hagrid and his great strength pull the chain by the wall Take WL the potion ingredients and throw them into the cauldron On the left you will find a head use WL on the horns and once the wall opens use Hermione to read the signs on the shelf 1 Place the bricks WL on the empty table Open the book it contains three differently coloured beakers
You need two vital things to unlock most of the stuff the spell Reducto RE that can unlock silver locks chests and gates and the dark version of Wingardium Leviosa called Crucio CR exclusive only to dark arts characters By Head Fish on June 4 2011 Hogwarts Crest Lego Harry Potter Years 1 4 There are 24 levels for this game and each one has four crest pieces to be found One for each house at Hogwarts Slytherin Gryffindor Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw About half of the crests can be found in story mode while the rest will have to be gained in free play
LEGO Harry Potter Years 1 4 USA Nintendo Wii ISO Download RomUlation
Lego Harry Potter Years 1 4 Video Game 2010 IMDb
Lego Harry Potter Years 1 To 4 Wii Walkthrough - The World of Magic 4A Spell Wheel 4B Passive Skills 5 The Leaky Cauldron Diagon Alley 6 Hogwarts Castle 6A Map of the Castle 6B Student Areas 6C Main Castle Areas 6D Classroom Areas 6E