Lego Harry Potter Years 1 4 Walkthrough Switch

Lego Harry Potter Years 1 4 Walkthrough Switch 1 This guide to LEGO Harry Potter Years 1 4 contains a complete set of information that each young magician needs in order to finish the game in 100

This guide is intended to get you through the game Lego Harry Potter Years 1 4 while getting all of the characters extras and gold bricks In the Walkthrough sections I ll explain Gaming Browse all gaming Follow me on Twitter for updates https twitter lizerikseriesA Full Game 100 Longplay Walkthrough of LEGO Harry Potter Years 1 4 Remastered where I

Lego Harry Potter Years 1 4 Walkthrough Switch


Lego Harry Potter Years 1 4 Walkthrough Switch


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LEGO Harry Potter Years 1 4 Nintendo DS Games Nintendo

Open the first lock 2 Open the big gate using Hagrid and his great strength pull the chain by the wall Switch to the goblin and open the vault Bricks will fall out of it put the pieces together using Hagrid and Wingardium Leviosa 1 Wave to the goblin on the painting he will open the passage You will get to the vault 2 Year 1 Part 2 Out of the Dungeon Year 1 Part 3 A Jinxed Broom Year 1 Part 4 The Restricted Section Year 1 Part 5 The Forbidden Forest Year 1 Part 6 Face of the Enemy Year 2 Part 1 Floo Powder Year 2 Part 2 Dobby s Plan Year 2 Part 3 Crabbe and Goyle Year 2 Part 4 Tom Riddle s Diary Year 2 Part 5 Follow the Spiders

As a result of learning of the disgusting beliefs prejudices and actions of the series author with regards to transgender and gender non conforming people I ve decided that I will no longer This video is a complete walkthrough of LEGO Harry Potter for Nintendo Switch PlayStation 4 Xbox One and PC This includes all 4 years levels and cutscene

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Release Scabbers your rat As Scabbers work your way through the piping that leads toward the right collecting LEGO studs along the way When you reach the far upper right you ll be able to The Magic Begins advertisement You begin this stage within The Leaky Cauldron You re initially in control of Harry Blue Shirt but you can instead control Hagrid if you prefer As the character

LEGO Harry Potter Years 1 4 Year 2 Part 1 Walkthrough LEGO Harry Potter 1 4 guide walkthrough Last update 29 December 2020 0 Post Comment 4 1 Next Walkthrough Year 2 p 2 Prev Walkthrough Year 1 p 2 Floo Powder You begin at a farm go into the house 1 You will find yourself in a kitchen A1 Talk to Vernon twice Pick up letter in hallway A3 Meet Guests 1 to left of start 2 next to bar 3 next to hearth WH3 go up stairs use REV to find chest WC RED object on wall


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Lego Harry Potter Years 1 4 Walkthrough Switch - Create a cauldron WL from the bricks which came out of the suitcase 1 You will find the first ingredient of the potion on the left in the box 2 The second can be found on the train 1 The last one is inside a suitcase at the end of the platform on the right 2 Break the black baggage on the left