Lego Batman Walkthrough In The Dark Knight 2 2 Packattack04082 5 45M subscribers Subscribe Subscribed 2 6K 1 1M views 10 years ago Batman LEGO Level 4 from The Joker s Return in LEGO Batman The Video Game walkthrough Batman
0 00 10 50 Lego batman walkthrough In the dark night 1 2 Thegamerwalkthroughs 45 8K subscribers Subscribe 313K views 13 years ago Watch in HD After blowing up scarecrow batman LEGO Batman 100 Walkthrough In the Dark Knight HD Let s Play Minikit Guide Red Power Brick Blitzwinger 2 2M subscribers Join Subscribe Subscribed 906 185K views 10 years ago
Lego Batman Walkthrough In The Dark Knight 2 2
Lego Batman Walkthrough In The Dark Knight 2 2
LEGO Batman Season Pass Announced The Batman Universe
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Chapter 1 The Riddler s Revenge The Riddler Makes a Withdrawal On the Rocks Green Fingers An Enterprising Theft Breaking Blocks Chapter 2 Power Crazed Penguin Rocking the Docks Stealing the Drop into the water and walk to the right then hold down A to swim up Step on the button multiple times to drain the water allowing Batman to come in so he can blow up the shiny hatch with a bomb Reservoir Jump across the pipes to the structure to the right Blast the fan and assemble it as a grapple point
This is a video walkthrough of Mission 1 You Can Bank on Batman in the action adventure game LEGO Batman for the Xbox 360 http www mahalo lego batman http www mahalo lego batman walkthrough Fantasy In the Dark Knight is the fourth hero level of The Joker s Return in LEGO Batman The Videogame
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Lego Batman Walkthrough In The Dark Night 2 2 YouTube
LEGO Batman The Videogame Walkthrough In The Dark Knight 1080p60HD YouTube
Gotham Story While the heroes are in their air vehicles Batman receives a signal from Commissioner Gordon that the Joker freed his girlfriend Harley Quinn thanks to the help of Killer Moth Seeing this Batman goes with Robin to catch Killer Moth They chase him until they reach an abandoned building where he is waiting for them 2 1 Minikits 2 2 Adam West in Peril Walkthrough In an unusual twist you re actually in control of the villain here Joker in his nurse costume accompanied by a henchman Destroy the boxes to the left to find some bouncing blocks that you can assemble into a cannon Use the cannon to destroy the three police vehicles
Hold to bring up the character selection menu Go down towards the bottom left and choose Batman Dark Knight Trilogy Swap to your second character with and bring up the menu again to select Joker Nurse Using Joker Nurse beat up Batman Dark Knight Trilogy until he dies Once he does the trophy will pop LEGO Batman The Videogame In the Dark Night Story legomariofanatic 89K subscribers Subscribe Subscribed 291 46K views 7 years ago In this episode of the LEGO Batman guide I show
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Lego Batman 2 Walkthrough Part 1 Tiderose
Lego Batman Walkthrough In The Dark Knight 2 2 - Part 1 Hide ads Destroy the crates to the left of the truck and build with the pieces that are revealed Use the turret to destroy the police cars Defeat the SWAT members that show up then jump