Left 4 Dead 2 Advanced Tips Best to keep replaying the level until you figure things out In Easy to Advanced special infected and Tanks are the biggest threat In Expert especially Expert Realism commons are the
So just keep trying try until you get everyone or at least everyone who needs to to survive the campaign No one likes being Left 4 Dead I hope some of these tips help out those who are attempting Expert Looking at you Christmas Hmm well there s a couple of different ways to improve If you re talking about Campaign Single Player just keep running through the different campaigns while slowly increasing the difficulty
Left 4 Dead 2 Advanced Tips
Left 4 Dead 2 Advanced Tips
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There are a ton of beginner and more advanced guides already and while I could totally write an even longer and more elaborate guide instead here s just a list of neat tips tricks and things you may or may not know about Just an informational guide that can help anyone complete a Campaign on Expert Difficulty Playing a campaign in Left 4 Dead 2 can be a wonderful experience Shooting zombies and screaming at your friends to
Use automatic weapons for mid range fights firing in short bursts for better accuracy Use shotguns for point defense Use scoped rifles to protect the group from Special Infected Laser Here are some common tips you MUST know Never revive give health to or help any teammates NEVER EVER EVER open closets with survivors inside them they are actually a
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1 Play with friends but leave one bot Bots are able to auto target which is especially useful for specials Even if they don t kill it you know where to look 2 Always carry Take an immediate left out of the room run up the staircase take a left turn left the first chance you get then take a right and head for that room Once inside fortify your position and
All start with c for chapter number and then m for map number Example c1m2 is Dead Center map 2 Streets director stop Disables random common and special infected from spawning The chaotic game just received an influx of new players thanks to the recent Last Stand Update Here are some tips to keep you alive in Left 4 Dead 2
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Left 4 Dead 2 Advanced Tips - Here are some common tips you MUST know Never revive give health to or help any teammates NEVER EVER EVER open closets with survivors inside them they are actually a