Kotor 2 Will Work For Fuel Walkthrough In the northeast section of Nar Shaddaa there are two more thugs shaking down a citizen You can use force persuade to convince one of them to jump off the nearby ledge This will gain you some
2 Docks Make sure a stealth user is in your party Do not talk to anyone perform any quests etc Head to the residential modules located here and find the room with two thugs conversing Enable stealth sneak up on them and listen to their conversation about the Juma in regards to breaking into Vogga s stash You need to speak to dockmaster Fassa at the junction leading to Pylon 2 before you can assign freighter priorities although this can be done at any of the three pylon consoles Flophouse The walkway away from Pylon 1 leads to the bottom left corner of the docks then turns right and continues down the left side As you continue past the turn and approach the junction leading to Pylon 2
Kotor 2 Will Work For Fuel Walkthrough
Kotor 2 Will Work For Fuel Walkthrough
Star Wars KOTOR 2 Walkthrough Light Dark Side Male Part 7 Peragus Fuel Depot Exploration
Star Wars KOTOR 2 Walkthrough Light Side Male Part 13 Peragus Fuel Depot Return YouTube
Select the ancient terminal by the box The answer is one of these two 6 2 8 9 1 13 6 2 8 9 1 13 You get random lightsaber parts for opening it You can repair the broken 1 Landing Pad You ll touch down on one of the landing pads in the Refugee sector Unfortunately this pad has been claimed Once you step out Quello will demand payment You can threaten him or pay him Either way there will be trouble later on once the Red Eclipse gang arrive Head down the corridor to the east
Granted this conclusion is sketchy at best but in a very round about way it makes sense It just wasn t played out very well Lt Grenn offers you a reward for finding fuel There are two options to get Vogga the Hutt to agree to deliver fuel Goto offers you a reward for stabilizing Telos and finding a fuel source Those to the left start close enough together for Ion Grenades or Disable Droid to affect both so if two of your party use one grenade each then at level 7 there s 56 25 chance that both droids will be killed and only 6 25 chance that both survive with just 8 Vitality each so a third grenade is guaranteed to finish them both You can try to use Force Push to get those to the right
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Peragus II By IGN GameGuides Sabre884 IGN Cheats 790 more updated Oct 5 2017 Rework in progress advertisement You awaken on the floor in front of a Kelto tank These healing You re supposed to go back to Citadel security to turn in the quest once fuel was secured I completed the quest by talking to Vogga after Goto s yacht was destroyed The quest was already considered completed And yes I did not talk to Lt Grenn because the quest was already completed
FUTUPD Future Updates I INFORM Guide Information A WELCOM Welcome Hello again Kotor fans Welcome to my guide for Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II the Sith Lords I am Paul and will walk you through all possible outcomes of the game Kotor II is more complex than the first game and I don t know every single thing about it STAR WARS Knights of the Old Republic II The Sith Lords I spoke to people I completed the yacht spoke with Fassa and then did the pylons Then spoke with Vogga about the fuel then looted his treasure room then I spoke to Vassa about the family the pilot in the refugee sector is looking for work Perhaps doing that will
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Kotor 2 Will Work For Fuel Walkthrough - Those to the left start close enough together for Ion Grenades or Disable Droid to affect both so if two of your party use one grenade each then at level 7 there s 56 25 chance that both droids will be killed and only 6 25 chance that both survive with just 8 Vitality each so a third grenade is guaranteed to finish them both You can try to use Force Push to get those to the right