Kotor 2 Walkthrough Restored Content Mod M4 78

Kotor 2 Walkthrough Restored Content Mod M4 78 This was my first time experiencing KOTOR 2 with the restored content and I wanted to get as much of that content as I could so I of course installed M4 78 from the workshop not realizing it was still very much a work in progress Not only that but I m just stuck wandering around now

M4 78 walkthrough I have put up a guide which takes the player through M4 78 by the most optimal route I can devise So it means the minimum amount of running about It also includes where and how to pick up all the main and side missions Comments and corrections welcome https steamcommunity sharedfiles filedetails id 1996386200 7 Change Notes view Required items This item requires all of the following other items English The Sith Lords Restored Content Modification TSLRCM Created by Hassat Hunter Online Zbyl2 Offline See all 470 collections some may be hidden Subscribe to download M4 78 Enhancement Project M4 78EP Subscribe Description

Kotor 2 Walkthrough Restored Content Mod M4 78


Kotor 2 Walkthrough Restored Content Mod M4 78


KOTOR 2 M4 78 Walkthrough Pt 3 Purification YouTube


KOTOR 2 M4 78 Walkthrough Pt 7 IS 24 YouTube

This mod adds the planet of M4 78 to the game where you can find living Master Vash Planet is only available after finishing Korriban You will find a clue on how to get to M4 78 in Step by step guide to installing modding and fixing Kotor 2 for the PC Topics covered in this guide Introduction Installing the Game Installing TSLRCM M4 78 Widescreen resolutions HD Widescreen Cutscenes movies Installing other mods

Though the Restore Content Mod TSLRCM M4 78 mod will fix the game to as it was intended to be released Most of the bugs are known and solutions are available on forums online through quick google search This is a light side full walkthrough of Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2 The Sith Lords with the Restored Content M4 78 and Coruscant mods in 4K 60f

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In order to get to M4 78 you will require two mods The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod 1 8 5 TSLRCM 1 8 5 and the M4 78 Enhancement Project M4 78EP Note On the Steam Workshop M4 78EP has its own unique version called 1 3 while the Deadly Stream Moddb version is 1 2 2 Answers Sorted by 4 Well I know you buy the legs from the Black Market Droid though it will cost you quite a lot of credits If you want to get some Dark Side points talk to one of the huge droids will more than two legs and you ll have the option of destroying it to get the legs Share Improve this answer Follow

Version 1 3 Updated 09 11 2023 Highest Rated Guide STAR WARS KNIGHTS OF THE OLD REPUBLIC II TSLRCM WALKTHROUGH THE SITH LORDS RESTORED CONTENT MOD FOR PC COPYRIGHT DOUG Stuck on M4 78 HELP This is my first time playing Kotor 2 and i download the restored content mod thinking it was a good idea I ve reach the droid planet M4 78 and I need to purge the radiation there in order to do so you need to get access the main computer in the control zone


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Kotor 2 Walkthrough Restored Content Mod M4 78 - THE SITH LORDS RESTORED CONTENT MOD ADD ON M4 78 Enhancement Project 1 1B 1 Description This mod adds the planet of M4 78 to the game where you can find Master Vash alive The planet is only available after finishing Korriban You will find a clue on how to get to M4 78 in Korriban s Sith Academy Features