Kotor 2 Walkthrough Pc Influence

Kotor 2 Walkthrough Pc Influence How Influence works in Star Wars KOTOR 2 Party members gain and lose influence points depending on specific actions or dialogues you choose throughout your playthrough Each gain loss equates to eight to twelve points and all characters start with 50 influence with a maximum and minimum of 100 and 0 respectively

Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II The Sith Lords Table of Contents Gameplay Walkthrough Contents 1 Action 1 1 Cunning 1 2 Good 1 3 Psychotic 2 External link You start at 50 Influence with every member of your party and it can be lost or gained normally 8 points at a time until you reach a floor of 0 or a ceiling of 100 Influence Kreia can be a difficult character to read but there is one thing that will always please her manipulation Be sure to speak to Kreia once you have reached level 15 and have a very

Kotor 2 Walkthrough Pc Influence


Kotor 2 Walkthrough Pc Influence


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To navigate through the guide simply search CTRL F the numbers on the left 1 0 Basics 2 0 General Influence opportunities 2 1 Good Actions 2 2 Bad Actions 2 3 Kills 2 4 Cunning actions 3 0 Companion specific influence 3 1 Atton 3 2 Handmaiden 3 3 Bao Dur 3 4 Mira 3 5 Hanharr 3 6 T3 M4 3 7 HK 47 3 8 Mandalore 3 9 G0 T0 3 10 Visas 3 11 Kreia Star Wars KOTOR 2 Guide PC Cheats By IGN GameGuides Sabre884 IGN Cheats 790 more updated Apr 7 2018 This page contains a list of cheats codes Easter eggs tips and other

Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II The Sith Lords Influence Guide XBox March 11 2005 Version 2 3 Written by Dan Simpson Email dsimpson faqs gmail If emailing me use this subject KotOR 2 Influence v 2 3 Emails that don t use this subject will be deleted avoid using all CAPS Email Policy read before emailing me If you see any mistakes or STAR WARS KNIGHTS OF THE OLD REPUBLIC II TSLRCM WALKTHROUGH THE SITH LORDS RESTORED CONTENT MOD FOR PC COPYRIGHT DOUG SIMPKINS This guide may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal private use It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission

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Influence Kreia There will be a man begging for money close to where the thugs were standing Listen to Kreia s advice after dealing with them and tell her that you will take her lesson to In addition to the Steam Guide available here The Kotor subreddit is adding data to an existing spreadsheet of all influence opportunities with colors and formatting and stuff to make for easy reading Anyone can edit it as a collaborative project Maybe the steam guide and the spreadsheet can work off each other to fill out the information

Malachor V Trayus Academy Knights of the Old Republic 2 The Sith Lords was released in 2004 one year after the release of the original game Knights of the Old Republic It received positive reviews after it s release although the game was left unfinished as LucasArts forced the developers Obsidian to finish the game within 16 months THE SITH LORDS It is a perilous time for the galaxy A brutal civil war has all but destroyed the Jedi Order leaving the ailing Republic on the verge of collapse Amid the turmoil the evil Sith have spread across the galaxy hunting down and destroying the remaining Jedi Knights Narrowly escaping a deadly Sith ambush the last known


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Kotor 2 Walkthrough Pc Influence - Updated Mar 27 2012 Walkthrough Part 5 advertisement Nar Shaddaa II tbody tbody Return to the Ebon Hawk tbody tbody advertisement When you return to the ship there will be a group