Kotor 2 Walkthrough Dark Side Star Wars KOTOR 2 Guide Dantooine By IGN GameGuides Sabre884 IGN Cheats 790 more updated Oct 5 2017 Dantooine advertisement Rework In Progress At the landing pad in Dantooine
Fans of the original KOTOR certainly have their hands full with the sequel which packs in an even longer campaign that will again test their affinity for the light or dark side of the Force Guide to Doing A Darkside Playthrough r kotor r kotor 6 yr ago deleted Guide to Doing A Darkside Playthrough Playing a darkide playthrough is all about making the right wrong decisions during dialouge Whenever you enter dialouge follow this guide to make sure you maximize your darksidedness
Kotor 2 Walkthrough Dark Side
Kotor 2 Walkthrough Dark Side
Star Wars KOTOR 2 Walkthrough Dark Side 133 Freedon Nadd s Tomb Pt 1 YouTube
Star Wars KOTOR 2 Walkthrough Dark Side Female Part 107 Boarding The Ravager YouTube
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II The Sith Lords Full Walkthrough Longplay Ending on PC in 1080p 60fps This is my own played recorded and completely edited KOTOR 2 dark Star Wars KOTOR 2 Walkthrough Dark Side 1 Prologue virtualcat2010 7 31K subscribers Subscribe Subscribed 156 Save 39K views 15 years ago Welcome to the first episode of KOTOR II the Sith
0 00 8 30 Star Wars KOTOR 2 Walkthrough Dark Side 160 Dark Side Ending virtualcat2010 7 26K subscribers Subscribe 69K views 13 years ago So finally my journey ends The Mass Shadow tbody tbody You will be placed under house arrest in a dormitory Choose to rest and your meditation will be interrupted by a messenger from Chodo Habat He wishes you to speak with him when
More picture related to Kotor 2 Walkthrough Dark Side
Star Wars KOTOR 2 Walkthrough Dark Side Female Part 109 Ravager Bridge YouTube
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Star Wars KOTOR 2 Walkthrough Dark Side 134 Freedon Nadd s Tomb Pt 2 YouTube
Merchant Quarter On the way to the merchant quarter you will be stopped by an officer of the city Force persuade him that he has no reason to ask you questions and head on through Immediately 1 Apartment C1 Your house arrest takes place in Apartment C1 After a few phone calls you ll be given free access to the rest of the station 2 Information Console Visit this console to download the area map Once you have visited more areas you can use these consoles for fast travel
More in depth coverage is in my FAQ Walkthrough which contains full dialogue trees for many of the companions as well as noting when you gain Light Dark Side Points This guide is a quick reference to point you in the right direction 0 00 9 54 Star Wars KOTOR 2 Walkthrough Dark Side 151 Darth Nihilus HD virtualcat2010 7 29K subscribers 17K views 14 years ago The last Proton Core is set and the Ravager is ready to be
Star Wars KOTOR 2 Walkthrough Dark Side 152 Malachor V HD YouTube
Star Wars KOTOR 2 Walkthrough Dark Side Female Part 20 Telos Armory YouTube
Kotor 2 Walkthrough Dark Side - Say it takes 25 influence to unlock certain dialogue well in this game a 25 would also pass the influence check This way being evil doesn t necessarily lock you out of any storylines I know that doesn t exactly answer your question but the only real way to do a dark side playthrough is to be a dick to everyone