Kotor 2 Investigation Captain Sullio Walkthrough Star Wars KOTOR 2 Walkthrough Dark Side 118 Sullio Murder Scene YouTube 0 00 8 00 My investigation on the murder case continues Nikko says Dhagon Sullio were good friends
The first is to free a man named Dhagon Ghent and the second is to get him to set you up with a meeting with a Jedi Master named Kavar 1 Exit to Mandalorian ruins You won t be able to leave Onderon until you have completed your main quests and met with Kavar Through the doorway in the top wall of the first room is the cantina s hub the left side has swoop registration and the bar while the right side has a room reserved for the Beastrider Gang Swoop Registration and Bar edit In the bottom left quarter of the cantina s hub there s a Sullustan patron at a table by the inside wall
Kotor 2 Investigation Captain Sullio Walkthrough
Kotor 2 Investigation Captain Sullio Walkthrough
Star Wars KOTOR 2 Light Side Walkthrough Part 3 HK 50 And The Sonic Sensor TSLRCM 1 8 2
KOTOR 2 Fan Cast Star Wars Amino
Solving the Sullio murder with appropriate detective lighting Archived post New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast 1 6K votes 70 comments 135K subscribers in the kotor community A subreddit for fans of BioWare s classic 2003 RPG Star Wars Knights of the Old Updated Oct 2 2018 Walkthrough section of the Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II The Sith Lords Wiki guide advertisement Walkthrough Sections Prologue Peragus II Telos Nar
Jump to the Surface Behind Atton there is a navigational chart that shows the Ebon Hawk s destination Choose Telos and the next planet will come into view A security crew will stop the crew and By Matthew Rorie Design by James Cheung Barely a year after the original Knights of the Old Republic came out for the Xbox we have its sequel Knights of the Old Republic 2 The Sith Lords
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Let s Play Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II by Scorchy Part 32 Onderon CSI Iziz S 0D3 went missing the night Captain Sullio was murdered Why didn t you mention this before One thing I just noticed now is the TV on the wall behind him changes actually has a full shot of the Onderon swoop track They remember to put in Vashtrigun0420 15 years ago 9 The only issue I have with it is the fact that Sullio is already dead by the time that video is shot Dhagon could have killed Sullio and then went back to his office Then some random beast rider happened upon the droid and destroyed it as it found the body
I believe you need to talk to someone at the cantina the splicer kiph I think and he will tell you that you need the head of the droid as it has a recording of the murder and you can buy the head from the droid saleman by the cantina 1B 8D I think his name is Hope this helps aaroncatguy37 5 yr ago Thanks Just managed to figure it out Star Wars General Discussion Legacy General Discussion Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II The Sith Lords Star Wars General Discussion Captain Sullio murder investigation WILL THE ALMIGHTY
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Kotor 2 Investigation Captain Sullio Walkthrough - Entertainment Promenade After landing on Nar Shaddaa inform the winged creature who hassles the group about the parking job that you work for the exchange He will back off quickly under threats to