Kotor 2 Droid Warehouse Walkthrough Return to the ship to receive an invitation to a private room in the Jekk Jekk Tarr Bar You have to travel alone so walk towards the entrance to the docks and Atton will see you off and give you
From StrategyWiki the video game walkthrough and strategy guide wiki Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II The Sith Lords Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II The Sith Lords Table of Contents Gameplay Walkthrough Contents 1 Vogga s Warehouse 2 C7 E3 3 Droid Warehouse Door 4 Ebon Hawk ID Signature K i have been trying to figure out how to open the door in the droid whareouse for about 5 hours now and im getting very frustrated It is also not giving me the option to Bash the contole pannel to open the door Any one know the rotations to open the door or what im doing wrong with not being a
Kotor 2 Droid Warehouse Walkthrough
Kotor 2 Droid Warehouse Walkthrough
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How to solve a quest in Warehouse on Nar Shadaa By Skittles This very short guide will make your way through this pretty difficult quest in case you just don t want to search the Google for it 5 Award Favorite Share Created by Skittles Offline Category Maps or Levels Walkthroughs Languages English Posted Updated Aug 4 2013 12 45am Take a lap around the large square area to reveal the map screen One of the first attractions in Nar Shaddaa is Tienn Tubb s shop in the southwest corner of the map Tienn is blind but his
4 2 5Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II The Sith Lords Head to the control panel looking out into space To the left of the control room there is a long hallway that leads to two mining droids and a container This area yields some components that
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Stream Kotor 2 Nar Shaddaa Droid Warehouse By Quocontango Listen Online For Free On SoundCloud
By Matthew Rorie Design by James Cheung Barely a year after the original Knights of the Old Republic came out for the Xbox we have its sequel Knights of the Old Republic 2 The Sith Lords Sure enough after T3 M4 escapes the Droid Warehouse and Tienn Tubb changes the Ebon Hawk s ID signature Goto s yacht intercepts it after take off Meanwhile on the yacht you are in the Audience Chamber with a hologram
Droid Warehouse DoorT3 M4 and the Droid WarehouseEbon Hawk ID SignatureNar Shaddaa Rescue MissionGoto s Yachtstar wars knights of the old republic 2 full wal This guide merely serves as a cheat sheet for various puzzles in Knights of the Old Republic 2 The Sith Lords aka Kotor 2 Note It is recommended you save before entering codes T3 will be in the Hutt s droid warehouse and you ll find a large door that requires a specific rotation code to get passed to progress on with the
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