Kotor 2 Dark Side Route Walkthrough Guide to Doing A Darkside Playthrough Playing a darkide playthrough is all about making the right wrong decisions during dialouge Whenever you enter dialouge follow this guide to make sure you maximize your darksidedness Extort all NPCs if at all possible Enters Dialog towards start of game
First across from the entrance speak to the old man surrounded by troops They will haul him off for spying for the republic If you choose to interfere you will receive light side points so it G0 T0 s primary gameplay abilities make him something of a Dark Side T3 M4 neither character will probably be getting much use in your adventuring parties but if you feel compelled to bring a
Kotor 2 Dark Side Route Walkthrough
Kotor 2 Dark Side Route Walkthrough
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Walk to the east of the Khoonda building This area is filled with kinrath but by this time you have become powerful enough to wipe them from the fields without much effort Along the western wall Star Wars KOTOR 2 Walkthrough Dark Side 1 Prologue virtualcat2010 7 31K subscribers Subscribe Subscribed 156 Save 39K views 15 years ago Welcome to the first episode of KOTOR II the Sith
Return to the ship to receive an invitation to a private room in the Jekk Jekk Tarr Bar You have to travel alone so walk towards the entrance to the docks and Atton will see you off and give you Star Wars KOTOR 2 Walkthrough Dark Side 160 Dark Side Ending virtualcat2010 7 26K subscribers Subscribe 69K views 13 years ago So finally my journey ends The Mass Shadow
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Say it takes 25 influence to unlock certain dialogue well in this game a 25 would also pass the influence check This way being evil doesn t necessarily lock you out of any storylines I know that doesn t exactly answer your question but the only real way to do a dark side playthrough is to be a dick to everyone In the Depth of Malachor V the Remote duly completes the last two sequences of the Mass Shadow Generator Note all he has to do is wait for the General
For instance in the trade war between the two street merchants it s possible to get the dark side points get the Jal Shey Advisor armor from the dark side one and still end up with the light side merchant in the end for the better wares late game Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II The Sith Lords is one of the most anticipated games of the year Developed by Obsidian Entertainment who take over the work begun by BioWare in the
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Kotor 2 Dark Side Route Walkthrough - Outside the Crystal Cave I meet Azkul leader of the mercenaries They re planning to take Khoonda and he asks me to cripple Khoonda s defenses Bao Dur re