Kotor 1 Walkthrough Dark Side Choices made by the main character throughout the game can affect alignment to the light or dark side of the Force Points Alignment has a hidden point value between 0 and 100 representing the extremes of dark side mastery and light side mastery respectively The main character starts the game at 50 with dark side actions subtracting from that value and light side actions adding to it
By IGN GameGuides Andrew Eisen IGN Cheats 4 2k more updated Jul 24 2012 This is the Walkthrough section of the Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic Wiki guide Endar Spire The guide will begin with a walkthrough of the Light side followed by the Dark side and then I will have a section which shows other possible outcomes associated with neither the light or the dark Thanks for reading this guide and as always I enjoy any e mails you send
Kotor 1 Walkthrough Dark Side
Kotor 1 Walkthrough Dark Side
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Kotor 2 Dark Side Companions Peatix
BED INTRUDER RETURNS Star Wars Knights Of The Old RepublicWalkthrough Part 1With CommentaryXbox 360 GameplaySUBSCRIBE to DanQ8000 http bit ly Sub2Dan Dark Side Points Give all dark side answers and Jorak Uln will torture Mekel instead of you Mekel is a lot weaker than you and will die by the end scoring you Dark Side Points Light Side Points Refuse to answer Jorak Uln or give him light side answers to save Mekel After the fight is over talk to Mekel and Persuade him to leave the dark
In any case when the four of them are defeated go left down the corridor and through the door down there Once through the door you ll face off with two more of these droids guarding another Unknown World Walkthrough Kotor 1 Warning Dark Side Choice Bastila will join your party again and will have a bunch of new Force Powers as well as be far down the Dark Side spectrum Jolee and Juhani will attack you and you ll have no choice but to kill them Return to the Ebon Hawk and all of your party members will be waiting for you
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Version 1 25 10 16 03 Added a lot of Dark side things to the guide Version 1 23 08 08 03 Put in some descriptions in the basics section Version 1 12 07 25 03 Did a snippet of Dantooine s walkthrough and all of its quests Sand People Dilemma By IGN GameGuides Andrew Eisen IGN Cheats 4 2k more updated Oct 9 2016 As you land on the planet and disembark from the Ebon Hawk you ll be intercepted immediately
Of course there s the lame dialog options feeling like an asshat etc etc but what really gets in the way of a dark side run is feeling like there s just no way to craft a dark Jedi as powerful as a light Jedi For instance Light side Consulars get 3 to Charisma plus the Circlet of Saresh the Qel Droma Robes etc Best Dark Side KoTOR Character Build In my opinion I have seen a lot of discussion and inquiries from new kotor players about good best character builds Here is the one I use for my dark side play through Attributes at level 20 Strength 16 12 base with 4 points added from gear Dexterity 18 15 base with 3 points added from gear
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Kotor 1 Walkthrough Dark Side - Knights of the Old Republic is an epic adventure in the Star Wars universe Over the course of the game you will experience many worlds and meet many people and your behavior towards them will affect the course of the game