Kingdom Hearts 1 5 Remix Walkthrough Agrabah

Kingdom Hearts 1 5 Remix Walkthrough Agrabah Defeat the Heartless in the first area and open the near the Storage for a Jump up the crates to a second tier where another awaits this one holds a Mega Ether Now enter the Storage to spot a Save Point but also a behind the barrel for another Mega Potion You may have noticed that there are a few new enemies in this area

Storage Visit 1 Underneath the rug on the wall is a Treasure Chest containing a Mega Potion Save at the Save Point then return to the plaza Kingdom Hearts HD 1 5 ReMIX Walkthrough Click the links below to view the complete Kingdom Hearts HD 1 5 walkthrough Awakening Destiny Islands Traverse Town Part I Wonderland

Kingdom Hearts 1 5 Remix Walkthrough Agrabah


Kingdom Hearts 1 5 Remix Walkthrough Agrabah


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Find Aladdin After defeating the Heartless travel to the city s outer wall located through the south exit of the plaza travel south from where you first arrived in Agrabah Save your progress at the nearby save station and allow the carpet to take you to the desert Sora finds Aladdin in the desert as Heartless flood the area 1 5 1Kurt Zisa bossfight Walkthrough See also Item locations or Puppy locations After landing you will immediately enter combat with the new Bandit Heartless which are the standard melee enemies in Agrabah They are not particularly notable but do have a strong move where they throw themselves at you from a distance

Updated Jun 24 2021 advertisement Walkthrough Agrabah Jafar and Maleficent s conversation introduces a little more backstory as well as the cute new Heartless in this level Once the party By Greg Boccia Traverse Town Olympus Coliseum Warm Welcome As soon as you enter Agrabah you ll find Aladdin in trouble with some Heartless Clear them out and you ll receive the Key of Beginnings You don t have to go far just clear the room and enter the Room of Beginnings After a quick scene you ll obtain the Key of Guidance

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Kingdom Hearts 1 5 Remix Walkthrough Agrabah - 10 KINGDOM HEARTS HD 1 5 2 5 ReMIX KH1 Agrabah You arrive to a battle with some Bandits and a couple of Shadows Open the chest hidden in the corner to get a Mega Potion then go