Kh 1 5 Alice In Wonderland Walkthrough

Kh 1 5 Alice In Wonderland Walkthrough Rabbit Hole Visit 1 As you land you ll see a white rabbit rush by while panicking about being late Once you regain control of Sora head down the hallway and through the doors Bizarre Room

Follow the White Rabbit No really Follow him to the door and talk to the door which naturally won t let Sora and company through Instead push the bed out of the way and then drink the Before using the bottle walk towards the bed in the corner and push it the bed will slide into the wall revealing a new passageway Proceed to drink from the bottle on the table then travel through the passage in the corner Sora co will step into the middle of Alice s court trial

Kh 1 5 Alice In Wonderland Walkthrough


Kh 1 5 Alice In Wonderland Walkthrough


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Kingdom Hearts HD 1 5 ReMIX After the scene with the White Rabbit head through the door down the hall In this room you re clearly too large so approach the Doorknob to get things started Push the bed in then drink the contents of the bottle When you drop down you ll find a new enemy Subscribe to Premium to Remove Ads From StrategyWiki the video game walkthrough and strategy guide wiki Kingdom Hearts Kingdom Hearts Table of Contents Gameplay Walkthrough Wonderland is a world from the Disney movie Alice in Wonderland The various characters featured in the world are taken from the film

Kingdom Hearts 1 5 Final Mix Gameplay Walkthrough Never Played This Game PS4 Let s Play https youtu be 5Q7pJXyaJPE Kingdom Hearts 1 5 Walkthrough Walkt Walkthrough Kingdom Hearts Wonderland Walkthrough Kingdom Hearts Wonderland is one of the first worlds you ll reach by the Gummi Ship Upon entering you ll notice the White Rabbit running about After the cutscene head towards the exit and you ll find yourself in the Bizarre Room with a tiny Doorknob at the other end

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Kingdom Hearts HD 1 5 Final Mix 100 Proud Walkthrough 4 Wonderland Mudarrow 10 4K subscribers Subscribe Subscribed 253K views 5 years ago Part 4 of my Kingdom Hearts Final Mix Click the links below to view the complete Kingdom Hearts HD 1 5 walkthrough Awakening Destiny Islands Traverse Town Part I Wonderland Olympus Coliseum Deep Jungle Traverse Town Part

This is HD gameplay of Kingdom Hearts 1 Final Mix from Kingdom Hearts HD 1 5 Remix In this gameplay clip Sora and the gang after fighting off the Queen of Heart s soldiers are 7 KINGDOM HEARTS HD 1 5 2 5 ReMIX KH1 Wonderland Upon landing in the Rabbit Hole in Wonderland Sora and co meet the White Rabbit Follow him through a door into the Bizarre


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Kh 1 5 Alice In Wonderland Walkthrough - By Greg Boccia Olympus Coliseum Monstro Flowers and Mushrooms and Presents Oh My Next up is Wonderland the land of everything mushrooms and mischevy After the opening scene you ll receive the Key of Beginnings The starting room has a black flower that needs to be broken up in order to move to the next room